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Kiyoko's team gets the first serve, all because you chose tails when they did a coin toss to decide the first serve. You only chose it because people always choose heads in coin tosses, including you, and you wanted to give poor tails a chance. But boy, was that a huge mistake. It's not like the first serve really matters anyways...

Kiyoko smoothly underhandedly serves the ball over the net. Kaori receives it towards Yachi. Yachi looks in your direction, and you nod, signaling her to toss to you. Of course, it's an obvious signal, so Yukie and Kiyoko are getting ready to block you.

You get into position and jump as Yachi sets the ball. You hit it like you did in the practice time you had before the game. Kiyoko touches the ball, making it easier for Eri to receive it. She does so by barely, sending it to Kiyoko, the setter of their team. She sets it to Yukie and she spikes it.

Yachi tries blocking it, but she's too short and she can't so miracle jumps like Hinata, so the ball swishes past her. The other team earns a point as the crowd of boys goes wild, especially Nishinoya and Tanaka.

"It's ok! We'll get the next point!" you reassure your teammates. They smile with a thumbs up at you in reply.

Kiyoko serves again, this time with you receiving the ball. Yachi gets ready to set it to you, since you have the most experience. Kaori gets ready to spike it too, so she can be a decoy. She jumps, causing Kiyoko to jump with her, but yachi sets it to you. You jump, spiking the ball with all you've got as Yukie jumps to block.

The ball goes past her, and Eri is late to receive it, so your team earns the point.

The crowd goes wild once again, as you high five Yachi and Kaori.

It kind of felt like a beach volleyball game indoors, because there were three people on each team and it was indoors.

It's your turn to serve, and you do a normal overhand serve over the net.

Eri receives the ball, sending it to Kiyoko, who sets it Yukie. She misses the spike a little, making it really easy for your team to receive the ball. Kaori receives, Yachi sets, you spike. But as you are getting ready to jump, you feel your legs starting to hurt a little. You ignore the feeling.

After a while of this cycle, and little differences of course, the score is now Kiyoko's team with 8 points and your team with 9.

Right now, you're getting ready for a spike, not noticing how much pain your legs are in. You jump to spike the ball Yachi sets, but you fall. You land on your back hard and painfully.

There are gasps in the crowd and court. The girls on the court file around you in a circle.

"(y-y/n)! Are you ok? This is my fault, isn't it...this is definitely my fault!" Yachi worriedly panics.

"Hitoka, it's not your fault. I'm fine, I promise. I just slipped," you smile reassuringly but painfully. Yachi shrieks in fear, blaming herself again, because she could tell you're not fine. 

"Are you sure you're fine? Are you sure your muscles don't hurt?" Kiyoko speaks up.

"Wha - how did you know..." you admit.

"If I recall, I remember you practicing really hard during the practice before the match," she adjusts her glasses as they are slowly slipping off.

"And...? How does that make me feel like this..." you ask, confused.

"Well, while we were stretching, you kept on practicing. And not stretching can cause you to pull a muscles later on," Kiyoko informs.

Your mouth forms an 'o' shape, as you blink continuously, thinking about how stupid you are.

"Well...I'm sure I can still play," you try getting up, but you yelp in pain before you could do so. "Nevermind..." you mumble.

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