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At night, you go to your boyfriend's house and cuddle with him on his bed. You sniff him, his clothes that you're wearing at the moment, his bed, everything. His scent relaxes you, and it causes you to drift to sleep with a peaceful sigh escaping your lips.

'I can't believe it...I got my first boyfriend, and what makes it even better is that my boyfriend is from my most favorite anime. This is amazing, just, amazing!' You think in your sleep, as you unconsciously let out a wide, peaceful smile.

He ruffles your hair, and smiles.

"Goodnight, (f/n)."


You open your eyelids slowly, letting out a quiet yawn.

You slowly move your hands groggily to the space next to you on the bed.

But it was empty.

"He probably woke up early to make me breakfast. How sweet of him," you smile as your vision becomes clearer.

You could see the ceiling, and it looks familiar to you.

Too familiar.

"Oh god, please, not again," horror filled your voice. You quickly sit up from the bed and take look around.

There are all your things, all your furniture, and your (color) wallpaper of your bedroom.

This isn't his bedroom you're in; it's yours.

"Nononono please tell me this is a dream! Please tell me this is a dream!" you pinch your own arm with all your strength, but nothing changed.

You're still in your room, in the real world.

Eyes widening in sadness and fear, you shakily get off your bed and trudge out of your room and go downstairs.

"This can't be true...No, I don't believe it. It's not true. This is definitely a dream. I will not accept this if it is reality," you reach the downstairs, and spot your mom.

"Mom, how long was I asleep?" you ask, your voice cracking.

"(f/n)? What kind of silly question is that? You were asleep for your regular amount of time. Why?" she looks puzzled by your weird question.

"Oh, nothing. Just wondering if I was asleep for like a month or so," you whisper the last part to yourself. If you guessed correctly, you were 'in the Haikyuu world' for about a month.

"What was that?" your mom asks, since she couldn't hear the last part of your sentence.

"Nothing," you reply.

You want to cry your eyes out so bad at the moment. You want to just scream and shout at the top of your lungs. How could all that experience you had in the Haikyuu world be fake? How could it have been a dream? Was your first boyfriend fake too?

You groan loudly, as you go over to the dining table and bang your head on the surface of it.

"(f/n)! What are you doing?!" your mom stops cooking the breakfast and averts all her attention towards you. Her eyes are filled with fear and shock.

"I don't know anymore...I don't even know anymore...." you groan some more, along with more of the banging of your head on the table.

"(f/n)! Stop that right now!" your mom demands.

You continue what you're doing, ignoring your mom's constant request.

When she's about to go over to you, the two of you hear the doorbell ring, causing you both to stop what you're doing. You never really got visitors in your house, so you and your mom are really shocked.

"(f/n), go get the door while I continue to make breakfast," you mom says in a calmer voice than before.

"Oh, sure," you reply and and swiftly go to the door.

Your hands slowly wrap around the doorknob, shaking in anxiety. Who could it be?

You slowly turn the doorknob and you freeze when you see who's outside.

Standing in front of you at your doorstep, is your boyfriend. Yes, it's your boyfriend from your Haikyuu dream.

He scratches the back of his head in nervousness and speaks up, "Um, I know this might sound weird but, I really need a place to stay because I..."

Your eyes wells up with tears, since your boyfriend that you thought was fake is right in front of you.

He doesn't notice you crying, but he hesitates before continuing his speech, "I don't know if you'll believe me, but I'm pretty sure you won't, since every other house I went to didn't, but I came from a different world or something like that and I need a place to stay..."

Your jaw drops open. Is he serious? He's in the situation you were in back then. Coming to the Haikyuu world and needing a place to stay and all. But does he remember you?

"I believe you...and I...I miss you," the tears from your eyes start pooling down your face, and you hug him with a tight, warm squeeze. "I miss you so, so much..!"

He has a bewildered look on his face as you release the embrace and take his hand in yours, going inside your house. "Come inside, you can stay as long as you want," you smile, tears still visible in your eyes.

"I-I'm sorry to ask but, who are you?" he suddenly asks in confusion.

"Oh, I'm just your future girlfriend."



This is the end of the story. Yes, the end :c Thank u all so much with all the supportive comments and for reading this book. This was my very first book I've ever made and I'm happy to see how much it progressed (*゜▽゜*)

I won't be putting this book as 'finished' just yet, because there r still more endings for me to work on ^^;

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