≪23/24||Tsukishima Kei≫

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You eat your watermelon, spitting out seeds occasionally. Meanwhile, Bokuto and Kuroo are having a seed spitting contest.

"Hey (f/n), be the judge on who spits the seeds the fastest!" Bokuto asks of you. You look at him with a weird look and Kuroo looks at you pleadingly.

"Why...? Can't I just enjoy my food?" you sigh, looking sadly at the barbecue that's being taken away by others.

"Oh come on! I'm sure there'll be plenty left by the time we're done!" Kuroo says, although with a little doubt in his tone of voice.

You look over at where the meat is being cooked, and you see Kageyama and Hinata quickly going around and taking as much as they can.

"Nooo! My meat!" you run off, leaving Bokuto and Kuroo sulking in failure.

They continue on their little competition, but it wasn't really a competition anymore, cause they can't look for themselves of who's spitting faster.

You rush around and grab whatever meat you could find and get to, putting it on your plate. After a satisfactory amount, you look around to see who you should sit with.

You spot the managers looking all angelic compared to the boys who're eating like pigs. Instead of sitting with the managers or go on an eating spree with the boys, you decide to sit by yourself at a tree with some shade located on a hill a little, but not too far away from this barbecue place.

You eat your food in silence, enjoying the comforting shade that is blocking you from the hot, blazing sun. A breeze swishes by, as it sways your hair in your face.

You struggle as you try to move back the swifts of hair that keeps blowing onto your face behind your ears. You put down your food and keep trying to get the hair to stay behind your ears. While doing so, you don't notice someone else sitting on the other side of the tree moving around the tree and watching your struggle. The person snickers, catching your attention.

"What're you laughing at?" you glare at the unnoticeable figure, due to the hair covering your vision. But you have a hunch on who the person is based on that snicker.

"You know, just your face that looks like a hairy monster," he shrugs, smirking.

"Kei, I know it's you," you frown, holding your hair in place with both hands.

"Oh no, you caught me," he says sarcastically as he holds his hands up in surrender.

You roll your eyes, "What are you doing here anyways?"

"I should be the one asking you that," he smirks, "I was here enjoying my peace until a little bug named (f/n) came over and disturbed my peace."

"Hey! I'm not a bug! Besides, I didn't know you were here," you sigh. "If you wanted me to move, you should've told me." You slowly stand up, but he pulls you back down.

He creases his brow, frowning, "I never asked you to move."

"Oh? What's this? You want me to stay? Do you like me?" you suddenly realize what you said, and your face explodes in red.

He turns to face away from you with a faint blush as he makes a 'tch' sound. "Why would I like an annoying insect like you..."

You calm yourself down and look at the back of his head. "And why wouldn't you?" you smiled a little painfully.

He ignores you and goes back to the other side of the tree, eating the rest of his now cold food.

You puff out your cheeks playfully, "Fine then, ignore me." You eat your food again, relaxing under the shade of the tree. Though now, you know you're not alone.

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