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"AAAHHHH!" you scream.

"AAHHH!" the other person screams with you.



"Wh-what're you doing in the boy's restroom!?? Is...is there someone there inside with you?"

"Shh! Th-there's no one else in there! Let me explain.." you whisper shout at Nishinoya, the one who bumped into you.

"So I-" you stop talking when you hear a flush in the restroom. Your eyes widen.

'What??!! There was someone inside???'

"Th-th-there is someone inside with you!" Nishinoya shouts in suprise. "I wonder who the lucky guy is..."

"Wh-wha? I-I didn't know someone else was in there! I swear!" you shout, not bothering to be quiet anymore.

"Shh! Stop talking so lou-" the other person in the restroom comes out and looks at you and Nishinoya, "(f/n)!?!? Noya??"

"Suga-senpai?! So you're the lucky guy, huh! How was it? Your first time?!" Nishinoya giggled like a school girl, looking between you and Sugawara.

"First time? On what?" Sugawara asks, confused.

"Y-Yuu! Sh-shut up! I didn't know he was in there, I swear!" you blush furiously while Sugawara looks between you and Nishinoya, completely bewildered.

"Awww! You don't have to hide it-" Nishinoya is cut off.

"(f/n)? What're you doing in the boy's restroom?" Sugawara interrupts.

"S-see? He didn't know I was in there either," you tell Nishinoya.

"Hmmm, well that's too bad. But what were you doing in there anyways?" Nishinoya finally drops the topic.

"Well...I actually really needed to go to the restroom and I searched for the girl's restroom everywhere but I couldn't find it so I just went in the boy's restroom..." you explain, lifting loads of weight off your shoulders. You finally got to explain the situation so no one can get confused anymore.

"But the girl's restroom is not too far from here. It's actually a little down the hall, across from the boy's restroom," Sugawara informs.

"Oh." You mentally face palm yourself for being so stupid.

Then, you remember something you forgot to ask. "Wait, Koushi? I thought I saw you earlier heading towards this restroom...how come you just now came out of the restroom?" you ask Sugawara.

"Well, I was doing 'number two' in the restroom...but I never knew coming to the restroom at 3 in the morning would be so popular..." he answers. 

"Actually, I'm not going to the restroom. I'm just filling water into this bucket," Nishinoya takes out a bucket from behind him, "and I'm gonna pour cold water on Ryu! It'll be so funny!"

'Wow, who knew waking up at 3 in the morning was so popular. First Kageyama, then me, then Sugawara, and now Nishinoya...'

"Umm, Nishinoya? I don't think that's a good idea...because if you wake Tanaka up with that water, he'll probably scream and wake everyone else up. And Daichi will get mad..." Sugawara pipes in.

"Hehe! Don't worry! I'll run away before Daichi can catch me!" Nishinoya proudly claims.

"I heard my name..." the three of you hear from afar, along with heavy footsteps coming closer. You all freeze.

"Suga-senpai! You jinxed us!" Nishinoya whisper shouts.

"No, you're the one who jinxed us! You're the one who shouted his name so loud!" Sugawara whisper shouts back.

"Just be quiet! The both of you! We need to act cool and pretend that the water in the restroom was the one that shouted his name or something..." you whisper, a little unsure of your plan made on the spot.

"Like that'll be believable!" Nishinoya and Sugawara whisper shouts at the same time.

"Well then...we're screwed."

The footsteps come closer and closer, until the three of you could see the face of a monster.

"What...are...you...three...doing...screaming...and shouting...at.three.in.the.morning??!"

"Eeek! Sorry Daichi-senpai!" the three of you apologize.

"Actually, I was the one who did all of the screaming and shouting. I-I'll take the blame. They didn't do anything," Nishinoya lies. 

It's true that Sugawara didn't do anything, but what bothers you is that he said he said you didn't do any of it and he's taking the blame for you.

"No, wait! It's true that Koushi didn't do anything, but I did! Yuu, you don't have to take all the blame!" you step in.

"But-What kind of man would I be if I didn't protect the woman!" Nishinoya shouts.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. (f/n), Nishinoya, calm down," Daichi calms down and turns back into his normal self. "I wasn't going to punish you or anything. I was just going to order you to go back to sleep and stop making so much noise."

"Really? Thank you, Daichi-senpai/Sawamura!" you and Nishinoya says with tears of joy, tackling Daichi with a hug.

"Hey, get off of me and go to sleep!" Daichi yells quietly.

Nishinoya gets off of him and says, "Oh yea, I forgot. I need to go to the restroom." He takes his bucket and walks inside.

"Nishinoya! What are you doing with the bucket?" Daichi quietly, but louder this time, yells after Nishinoya.

Nishinoya freezes, "Nothing...I'm uh...just filling it with water. To bring to the room and drink whenever I'll get thirsty! Yeah, when I get thirsty while I sleep...!"

"Why does that sound oddly suspicious..." Daichi trails off, thinking of possible things he could do with a bucket of water. You and Sugawara just sweat drops. "Are you by any chance going to pour it on someone?"

"Ummm...maybe? Heh heh..." Nishinoya answers in fear.

"Ni.shi.no.ya...GO.BACK.TO.SLEEP." Daichi turns scary again.

"Y-yes captain!" Nishinoya runs off, with an empty bucket in hand.

"Um, I'll be going now too. Bye Koushi, Sawamura!" you wave at them, walking back to the manager's room. 

'Man..what a tiring restroom break...'


Happy New Years, everyone! 🎉🎊🎆

2k16 has been one of the worst years ever, with the elections, Trump, clowns, Harambe, etc. :/

I hope 2k17 will be better...and I hope everyone has a wonderful life ahead of them! :)

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