Chapter 4

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Our battle was rather... equal? I would like to say that I won, but the fact that we were both out of breath and sitting on a nearby bench, it was really hard to tell.

I laughed a little while stretching before looking towards Matthew. He gave me a small smile before his eyes glanced at someone behind me. I turned to see a woman standing by the doors. She gave him a face and Matthews smile fell.

He turned to me just as the woman walked away and sighed. "It's about time you go home now."

He picked up our swords and placed them away before leading me back down the hall and towards the front of the castle.

"Surprisingly, I had fun today," I lightly laughed, climbing into the carriage.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, closing the door and looking at me through the window.

"Nothing. It means absolutely nothing," I said, smiling. He gave a small smile back before moving away from the carriage. I sighed as the carriage started moving, taking me back to my small house at the farthest point of the kingdom.

I huffed and looked around to the other side of the carriage, starring at the buildings lined up on each side of the street.

What a boring day...

I snapped out of my thoughts when the carriage jerked to a halt. The door swung open and carefully I stepped out onto the muddy ground. The carriage quickly left and I turned to the small house, tiredly.

I sighed, and walked towards the door, opening it, and slamming it closed, coming face to face with my mother. She was pointing at my feet. I tilted my head downwards, looking towards my feet; my dress bottom covered in mud and my shoes completely drowned in muddy waters.

"Chris and Ester are still at the market, and Betty's been out and about. I need you to go upstairs, get dressed, and find her before dinner time," she huffed, handing me a fresh bread bun. "Now get going."

I moved upstairs and quickly changed into something more appropriate. I pulled on a loose white shirt, some brown pant shorts, my almost broken sandals, my dagger, and pouch. I pulled my wavy blonde hair back into a loose bun before heading out the house.

It's almost sunset...

I noticed Mrs. Dem, our nearest neighbor besides Mr. Crail, walking to her doorstep. Quickly, I rushed over to her and called out her name. She turned and gave me a smile. "Oh, Malissa! How are you? I heard you met with the Prince today. How did that go?"

"I'm good." I came to an abrupt halt and placed an hand on my hip. "The meeting also surprisingly went well. I didn't expect to get along with him."

"He is charming after all," she laughed.

"Yeah..." I trailed before shaking my head. "Anyways, I was wondering if you've seen Betty recently?"

"Oh, I think I saw her go... over there." I followed where she was pointing and grumbled when I realized she was pointing at Mr. Crail's corn field.

"Are you kidding?" I muttered under my breath before turning back to Mrs. Dem. "Thank you so much! Have a wonderful evening!"

"You too, dear!"

She gave a small wave as I turned and rushed to the corn field. I stopped just on the edge of where it started and cupped my hands over my mouth.

"BETTY!" I shouted, hoping she would call back.

I heard rustling and watched as Betty jumped out of the field, shouting 'boo!' Less than a second later she was grabbing onto me, trying to pull me down as she made random growling sounds.

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