Chapter 16

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"The girls been awake for three days now! Can't we just ask her how she got into this mess?" Triston shouted as he looked down at Malissa, who was glaring back up at him, from the table.

Malissa stomped her foot on the table, and pointed up at Triston, before screaming, "You can't just ask Toritha why she was captured by those vampires! That's ridiculous! She just started trusting us, and if we go barging into her past, which she obviously doesn't want to talk about, then she might think that we want to hurt her even more, or go find out where she was captured!"

"Are you saying that we should stand by, and watch as billions of bodies get scattered through the forest, because if you don't do something then I will! I will not stand by, and watch as thousands of innocent animals die, because of a vampire tantrum!" Triston shouted again, this time louder than before.

"You won't be watching them die," Malissa screamed back, wiping a small tear away from her eyes.

Triston caught onto why she was getting so upset, and un-clenched his fists, before Malissa shook her head, and left the room.

"This... THIS ALL YOUR FAULT," Triston boomed as he turned to me, glaring at me as if I was a demonic creature in front of him.

Tobi jumped in front of me, turning into his human form; defending me from Triston. "Don't you dare blame this on Jason! I was the one who wandered into the forest to see what was going on, and he followed me. You really can't expect him" – Tobi pointed to me – "to go wandering into the forest by himself, after all that's happened to him!"

"Tobizarth Dougie Collin, listen to my words that I am speaking to you, and Jason," Triston shouted, glaring at Tobi, who slowly started to get pissed off. "I do not care who brought the girl into this house, but there is something after her, and we cannot help her, unless you let me talk to her!"

"Just give her a couple of days!" I shouted, looking at Triston from behind Tobi. "You gave Malissa a couple days to recover! Why can't you do the same for that girl?"

"Seriously! She's done nothing!" Tobi shouted, also defending her.

"That's it! Jason, leave now! I can't deal with you, and Tobizarth at the same time!" Triston shouted, pointing to the stairs.

"You can't boss me around!" I shouted back. "I'm not a little kid!"

"No, Jason, listen to him," Tobi said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "We do need to have a personal chat."

"Oh, ok... I'll go now."

I quickly dashed up the stairs, and into Markl's room, while they were both chilling out on the bed.

"What happened?" Markl asked, as he sent a piece of paper down. "I heard shouting. Is everything alright?"

"No... Triston used Tobi's full name, and I'm pretty sure Tobi's mad about it," I sighed, leaning up against the door.

"Oh... That's probably not going to end well," Markl said, turning back to the sheet of paper in front of him. "Tobi hates it when Triston uses his full name."

"Yeah, I know," I muttered; pushing my ear up against the door, only to hear them shouting at each other, before pushing my head away from the door. "Is Malissa in here, or is she in the other room?"

"She's in the other room, trying to talk to the girl," Markl muttered, pointing to the door. "Just be careful. That lady is crazy around us giants. She only goes around Malissa, and that it. Don't try, and touch her."


"Just don't."


I slowly opened the door, and quickly dashed across the hall to Triston's room, before closing that door.

"Malissa?" I called. "Are you in here?"

No answer, except a hissing sound from the bottom of the bed.

"Malissa?" I called as I kneeled down, pulling the blanket up so that I could see underneath the bed, but was attacked in the face by a vicious creature.

I screamed, and grabbed at my nose, pushing myself away from the bed, and back into the door.

"Ow! It burns!" I screamed as I fell to the ground, holding my face in my hands as I endured the pain on the ground.

The door to the room slammed open, startling me. I jumped, and turned my body around, but was confronted by the most horrifying sight. In front of me was a large creature with sharp teeth, just a couple feet from me.

"Jason?" someone asked as another person pushed themselves into the room as the large creature moved away from me, before shifting into a normal human, but... a giant.

"Tobi?" I asked, looking up at him in horror.

"Are you ok?" he asked as he kneeled down, placing his two large hands around me as if to protect me from the crazy cat lady. "What happened to you?"

"I-I was just checking on Malissa, and t-then this crazy cat lady attacked me," I stuttered, pointing to the bed, noticing bright yellow eyes staring at me from the bed.

I squeaked, and jumped into Tobi's hand, grabbing onto his finger for protection. "Keep her away from me!"

"Jason, calm down!" Malissa shouted as she ran over to Toritha, making sure that she was ok, before looking at me with a pissed off face. "What did you do?"

"I did nothing!" I shouted. "She's the one who shrunk me!"

"Well, you didn't really leave me a choice, did you?" she hissed back. "You scared me half to death, and I promised myself that from now on, I would defend myself from creatures, like you!"

I was offended!

"What do you mean?" Malissa asked, looking to Toritha for an explanation. "You promised to protect yourself? From... what?"

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