Chapter 24

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My hands are tied behind my back. Where the heck am I? I squinted my eyes as I looked around the room, slowly letting my eyes adjust to the bright light coming from the roof, and the nearby door. I moved my head to see more of the room, but I jerked to halt as I came face to face with a large face. I stared deep into their black eyes, my stomach dropping at the sight of the large giant in front of me, before my leg started aching. I gasped for air at the sudden sense of pain, and hung my head trying to calm myself down. I timed my breathing, sending the pain to calm down just a little bit. It hurt like heck!

"Ah... He's awake," someone mutters with joy, the tent opening slightly. I watched as a tall man, more like a giant, wandered into the tent, looking down at me. I looked up at him through my now longish hair, which had grown down to my shoulders in the past couple days. "I was wondering when you would re-surface, and here you are alive, and well. My name is Ahanu, and you are at Canine's Edge. Obviously it's not a 'welcome to our home' situation, but... you're here, and alive. I was..."

I slowly toned out the rest of his conversation, and let my head hang once again. "You're ignoring me, aren't you," Ahanu growls, laying his head down on the small table I'm on to look at me better. "Well, no matter. The longer you wait to answer my questions, the longer you will be tied here-"

"I'm in pain!" I growl out, looking up at him. "You think I'll answer your questions when I feel like I'm dying from the inside out? No. I won't, because no matter how hard I try to concentrate on your questions, my mind will always go back to the pain. So... please just leave, if all your going to do is ask me questions. I won't answer them until I get medical treatment. Ok?"

I hung my head once again, and Ahanu grumbled something under his breath, before walking towards the tent's exit. "I will get you medical help, but in return you must help me with something, and I won't take 'no' for an answer. Got it?" he huffed, leaving without a sound. I sighed in defeat, and turned my head towards the guy who's been watching me this whole time. The one with the dark black eyes, that look like death. He just starred at me with an intense gaze, and I quickly looked away from him, trying to calm my body down once again. I'm certain I'm going to die here...

It's been a day since I was here, at Canine's Edge, and Ahanu has been, so far, nice to me

It's been a day since I was here, at Canine's Edge, and Ahanu has been, so far, nice to me. He's fed me, given me warmer clothes, since it mostly snows in the village, and has given me medical treatment. My wounds are almost healed now, thanks to their knowledge of the forest, and I'm all ready to get back out into the world, and find Hamilton. It's very important that I find him, now that winter is coming soon, and I hope that he's still alive, and well. I just hope that the tribe doesn't find him, cause they will kill him, and that's what I'm mostly concerned about.

I looked up to the chief, and sighed. "Do you ever been think to explore the rest of the world?" I asked, looking around the happy village of wolves. The chief chuckled, and looked around the village.

"We do not wish to look for more land, because what is more to want than a family?" he replied, smiling towards a pack of pups running through his legs, playing around with his shoe laces. "We may not be connected by blood, but we are connected by heart. We are happy here, and we want to protect our families. We know the boundaries, and where our limits lie. If we get out of those boundaries, we are more likely to discover something wonderful, before discovering death afterwards. We do not wish for death, but for life. Yet, we accept death no matter what. We do not choose death. Yet, death does not choose us. We are equal! So, no... We do not search for the unexpected. We only wait."

"If only I had a brain like yours," I muttered, leaning my chin on the palm of my hand, while looking at the chief. "I wouldn't be in this mess..."

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