Chapter 25

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"That wasn't love!" I shouted, still glaring down at him as he looked up at me, with shock written all over his face; obviously surprised that I snapped at his confession. "You didn't love me! You hurt me, and my friends. Or, is that your way of showing your affection to people?"

"I saved your life, more than once! Shouldn't that be a good enough reason, and enough time, to learn how to love someone other than a vampire? I was way more careful with you, than a normal vampire friendship. I kept myself from biting you all the freaking time! I watched over you! Isn't that enough to show how much I cared about you?" he snapped back, tears streaming down his face; mad that I practically dumped him in front of two kids.

"You know what? I have been way too nice to you! I should have told you that I was a giant, and snapped your neck in half" – Hamilton flinched at the word 'snapped', and hung his head – "and tossed you over the edge of the mountain, feeding you to the dragons. You disgust me! You never even took time to know me! You just assumed that I would go willingly with you! Did you ever think that I actually went through more pain than you? I'm not immortal like you are! I'm human... Do you know what it's like to be... human?"

My question stopped him right there, and he just turned off, completely. It was like he wasn't even working, or processing anything anymore. I had completely broken him.

"Look, Hamilton. I'm not technically sorry, but please try to understand. I just want to like a normal life, and I don't know if you're the right person that will be a big part of my life..." I sighed, setting him down on my hand, so he would stop hanging by the back of his shirt. "I don't even know if I'm ready to deal with a relationship at all... I'm only nineteen, and that's kind of young for me. I mean, we can still be friends, but just try to understand that if you, and I were going to get together, then I would like to know you a little better. I don't want to regret anything in the future... So, please try, and understand."

He still didn't look at me.

"Um... Let's do this," I said, catching his attention a little. "I will leave the mark on for two years, and only two years. During that time, we can hang out, and talk together. If things work out, and escalate from there, I don't mind leaving the symbol on my wrist" - I tapped my wrist – "But, if things don't work out, and we don't really have anything in common, I'm taking it off, ok?"

"Two years..?" he asked, looking up at me as he wiped some tears from his face.

"Yes, two years only," I laughed. "Starting now."

He sniffled a laugh, and stood up; still wiping some tears from his face. "I guess it's a good deal..."

"Good," I sighed, relieved that this whole thing was over. "Now, I want some food. So, let's go see what the village has ready for us. Also, Anna Banana here is dying, no thanks to you."

Hamilton turned his head towards the girl on my shoulder, feeling rather guilty as I turned on my heel, and slowly started to walk back towards the village.


"I really can heal it," Hamilton said for the thousandth time, looking at Anna Banana (Anaba), and Chip, who was still being protective. "I promise I didn't mean it."

"Shut up!" Chip hissed, holding Anaba close to himself. "You'll have no passage to her! You hear?"

"Crystal..." he sighed, looking at me with a 'please help me tell him that I can heal her,' but I only shook my head, and continued looking back up at where I was walking. "Jason, please? I really want to help... I promise I didn't mean it."

"Oh, you meant it," I said, watching as he hung his head. "I saw it in your eyes. You looked like a blood thirsty monster."

"Thanks..." Hamilton muttered; sarcastically. "I totally meant it."

I sighed as I reached the small wood wall of the village, before walking inside.

"Where do I drop you off?" I asked Chip as I moved through the village; heading towards the edge of the river.

"Please, just drop us off at the rounded hut," Chip begged, looking over at Hamilton with slight fear in his eyes. "The very secluded one" – he said, pointing his finger to the farthest corner of the village- "in the far corner."

"Ok," I sighed, turning, and slowly making my way towards the roundish hut.

It took me a little while, but when I finally got there, I let both of the kids down, and back onto the ground; safely.

"Be careful," I said, waving to them 'goodbye' as they both moved into the hut; disappearing without a 'goodbye.'

I sighed, and turned my head towards Hamilton, who was staring intensely at the roundish hut as if he was worried about something, but I just ignored it, and turned around; heading to the hut I woke up in last.


"Thank you for the hut," I said, bowing my head a little at the man, who grunted in response. "It means a lot to me, and I'm sorry for burdening you so much. I will repay you back, somehow, and someday."

He just rolled his eyes, and walked back to the other side of the hut, while I sighed, and climbed up the ladder, and to the lofted area; where I'll be sleeping. It was a little small, but it was big enough for some movement, but I had to make sure that I didn't move around too much. There were also many blankets, made from skinned animals that were actually rather comforting.

I reached into my pocket, and pulled Hamilton out; setting him down on a nearby blanket. Reason I had to put him in my pocket, was because no one knew that he was even near here, and I knew that Werewolves, and Vampires, didn't get along. So, hiding him wasn't a choice.

"Sorry," I sighed, apologizing to Hamilton as I laid down in the covers; looking at him from the corner of my eye as I slowly started to doze off. "Took a little... longer than before..."

"Don't worry about it," he said, looking up at me; a small smile on his face as I slowly fell into a light sleep. 

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