Chapter 14

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  AN: Hello everybody!! Hope you're enjoying the story!! Today I got a threat for you all. It's my country's independence day and I'll be updating 3 chapters today instead of my usual 2. :)  

Astrid's POV

Hiccup led us to the place that he found after insisting that we all take weapons with us just in case. Silvy also came along with several village guards. The path we took led us upstream along a river.

"Silvy do many of the children swim in this river?" Hiccup asked as we walked alongside the river bank.

"Yes, when it's hot many go for a swim in the shallower parts near the village." Silvy confirmed. "Why do you ask?"

"Because the river is what is making them sick." Hiccup stated causing Silvy to stare at him in shock.

"What......How is that possible?" Silvy asked in shock. The villagers who had accompanied her could also be heard muttering.

"You'll see. Toothless led the way this morning." Hiccup told us and we followed for quite a distance before Hiccup motioned for us to be quiet.

We all crouched down in the shrubs and Hiccup pushed some away for us to see.

Silvy had to hold a hand to her mouth to stifle a gasp as she took in the scene. There were soldier guarding what appeared to be mining operation.

"They are mining here?" Silvy whispered furiously. "This area is protected. How dare they!"

"I don't think Dagur cares that much." Hiccup mumbled. "Those uniforms belong to Hysteria's national army and it seems they are dumping their mining chemicals into the river."

"Hey, are those dragons?" Snotlout commented. I look again and now see that there are several species of dragons chained up and made to work.

"Why that son of a troll!!" Silvy grounds out. Her fists were clenched tightly. "How dare he treat dragons like that."

From besides us Toothless lets out a sad croon.

"Easy there bud. We'll get your friends out." Hiccup tells him and scratches his head.

"His friends?" I ask curiously.

"Yes, I think I figured out the whole story here. Those trappers were working for Dagur and they were catching dragons for the mine. Toothless' friends got trapped and he's been trying to get them out. That's probably why those trappers mentioned 'all the trouble he's caused'." Hiccup explains.

"Well are we going to do something or not?" Silvy asked.

"Of course we are." Hiccup mumbled. "Can you and your men take out the guards while we free the dragons?"

"Consider it done." Silvy said and they proceeded to silently knock out the guards with darts.

"What are you hitting them with?" Fishlegs asked as several more guards fell stiff.

"The darts are coated with Triple Stryke numbing venom." Silvy whispered.

"I have got to get me one of those." Snotlout said impressed.

Once most of the guards had been incapacitated Hiccup got ready to move. "You guys stay here." He told Fishlegs, Snotlout and I.

"Why? We want to help to." I asked Hiccup.

"The venom won't hold for long. This has to be fast and I don't see you guys willing to approach agitated dragons and other hostile dragons. So.Stay.Here." Hiccup told us pointedly and then together with Toothless made a sprint for the chained up dragons.

From the bushes we watched as Hiccup brought out his gun. Toothless began growling to all the agitated dragons trying to keep them calm.

"What is he going to do with that gun?" Fishlegs asked. "He couldn't be thinking of shooting those thick chains loose could he?"

"I think that is exactly what he's thinking." I mumble.

When Hiccup's first bullet made impact with the chains holding the Nadders it made a loud explosion. Several shots at various parts of the chains had them falling apart.

"What the hell kind of bullets did Gobber give him?!" I exclaimed as I watch him do the same with the chained up Gronckles after he reloaded.

Some of the guards began to stir and they were hit once more with darts.

As Hiccup was busy soothing the angry Whispering deaths Silvy said. "Oh no."

"What?" I ask turning to her.

"We're out of darts." She told me.

"Then we'll just knock them out the old fashioned way." I stated, grabbing the axe that I had borrowed.

As Hiccup was busy freeing the dragons we charged into the mine trying to knock out the awakening soldiers.

'Thunk' was heard as I slammed the flat side of my axe against one who was trying to sneak up on Hiccup.

"Astrid what are you......" Hiccup began to ask but I cut him off.

"Saving your behind. Now get those dragons free!!" I yell knocking out another.

Snotlout, Fishlegs and I were covering Hiccup while Silvy and the other villagers guided the dragons out.

At one point I saw that Silvy was being cornered by several guards and reinforcements had arrived from Thor knows where.

"Hiccup!" I yelled and then pointed to Silvy and the charging soldiers.

"Toothless!" Hiccup yelled getting the dragon's attention. "Take Silvy and get her and the others out of here!!"

Toothless looked like he wanted to disobey but Hiccup told him to go. I saw Toothless knock out the guards that had Silvy cornered and nudged her to go.

We were making our own escape but were being chased by angry soldiers. "We can't head back to the village." Hiccup said as he began running in the opposite direction."

"Why not?" Snotlout yelled looking a little winded.

"Because knowing Dagur, he would burn that village to the ground if he found out they had anything to do with this." Hiccup countered and we sped off into the dense forest.

"And you went in there to cause trouble!!" Snotlout yelled catching up.

"I certainly didn't expect to find out this had been happening!!" Hiccup retorted while dodging a branch which hit Snotlout in the face.

"Auw!! My beautiful face!" Snotlout yelled holding his nose.

"Come on. We need to out run these guys!" I tell them and we speed up. But luck was not on our side because another group of soldiers was waiting for us around the corner.

"Freeze!!" They yelled and we put our hands up.

"Hiccup you got a plan?" I whispered.

"Yeah." He replied and the yelled. "WE SURRENDER!!!"

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