Chapter 33

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Astrid's POV

The Outcasts were taken into custody by Security, who arrived after Stoick went back to the mansion to call them. They didn't want to go quietly but the dragons quickly made them hush by putting their pants on fire.

Soren was scratching Sleuther, the Triple Strike, who he named with the help of Tuffnut.

We all returned back to the mansion to find a grinning Stoick talking with the head of Security.

"We aren't in trouble are we?" Fishlegs asked but the head of Security simply chuckled.

"No, you all had a mercenary with you." He told them while pointing to Hiccup. "They're given a lot of leeway about how they complete a job. There is however the problem with the boy."

At this Soren ducked behind Hiccup and I. "He isn't related to you by blood. Normally he'll have to be put in an orphanage until he's adopted."

"No!!" Soren yelled clutching my hand.

"But..." The head of Security then whispered. "I'm willing to overlook it if the adoption papers appeared in the system when I log in tomorrow. It might have just been a technical error that made my computer freeze tonight."

With a wink to Stoick the man left the mansion and I saw Stoick pull out a stack of papers. "All I need is Astrid and your signatures son. The rest I'll take care of."

Hiccup and I looked over the stack of papers when Soren asked. "So you'll be my real mommy and daddy then?"

I looked back to Hiccup with a smile which he returned. "I don't think we'll have it any other way." I say placing my signature next to Hiccup's.

"This entire relationship is weird." I heard Snotlout commenting.

"They're definitely doing the relationship backwards." Ruffnut added.

"Although if you count jumping out of planes and getting chased through a jungle dates, then they have had plenty." Fishlegs said.

"But really who cares. The little dude's got a family." Tuffnut happily supplied.

Just then the doors slammed open and I see a chicken running away from a mad chef who was holding up a butcher's knife.

"Come back here you demon chicken!!" The man yelled at the chicken who then sprang into Tuffnut's arms.

Tuffnut shielded the chicken as he then rounded on the chef. "What exactly are you doing sir?!"

The chef taken aback simply said. "Preparing dinner..."

"By chasing a defenseless animal around?" Tuffnut asked as he began to stroke the chicken.

"Eh......" was all the chef could utter at the scene.

"That sir is inexcusable." Tuffnut stated while holding the chicken up in one hand. "And frankly the chicken is not amused."

The chef began to sputter when Tuffnut proceeded to tell him that the chicken would stay here. Stoick sighed and simply told the chef to prepare something else for dinner when Hiccup stated that arguing with Tuffnut would take all week.

The chef was sulking as he left and I turn to see Tuffnut hug the chicken. "I shall name you Chicken!!" He then exclaimed and I really felt like facepalming at the moment.

Ruffnut simply rolled her eyes while using Snotlout as a leaning post. I saw a blush creep on Snotlout's face as Ruffnut said "Well this will be interesting."

We stayed for dinner, which the chef served while shooting glares at Chicken who was looking smug. I didn't even know chickens could look smug.

We said our goodbyes and left to go back to the safe house after dinner. Wodensfang decided to stay with Stoick for now in the mansion, stating that the bearded-one could use some company, but I think it was because Stoick had introduced Wodensfang to ice-cream.

Hiccup suddenly stopped us when we reached the safe house. "Something is wrong." He said while pulling out his gun. Then I saw it. The lock on the door had been tampered with and the door was slightly ajar.

We cautiously entered after Hiccup who cursed when he saw the state of the living room. Everything was trashed. It looked like a hurricane had tore through the house.

"Someone was here looking for something." Hiccup stated and then asked Fishlegs and Snotlout to check the safe where they had stored the items.

"Hiccup we got a problem!" Fishlegs exclaimed as he rushed down holding a piece of paper. "The items are gone!!"

"They got them out of the safe?!" Hiccup asked looking wide-eyed, because he had told me nothing short of a plasma powered blowtorch could cut through this particular model, and even that would take a while.

"They took the whole safe!!" Fishlegs gestured wildly and then handed Hiccup the letter. "This was stuck above the hole in the wall."

Hiccup read it out loud.

"If you don't want to see the giant Night fury hurt then bring the rest of the King's lost things to the grotto."

"How did they even know where to find us?!" Snotlout asked. "I know you cuz. There is no way they could have simply tracked down this house."

"And they knew about Furious." Fishlegs added.

"You don't think that we have a spy in the group, do you?" The twins asked with narrowed eyes.

"Let's not start pointing fingers." Hiccup stated. "They knew about Furious, so they must have been tailing us for a while and I highly doubt anyone here would be working with an insane cult leader."

"Gather up your supplies. We're heading back to the grotto." Hiccup stated. "I'm going to get some special equipment from Gobber."

"He can't be thinking of handing over the items, could he?" Fishlegs asked worriedly.

"I think that's probably a last resort." I replied. "I had wondered why we haven't heard anything from Drago in a while, but we can't just leave Furious in his hands."

Hiccup came back half an hour later. The only difference in his outfit I could see was an added belt with his smokescreen discs, although he had hidden pockets in his coat and Thor knows what could be in those.

We grabbed our packs and mounted our dragons. In no time we shot off towards Odin's falls.

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