Chapter 32

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Astrid's POV

I saw that Soren was trembling and gave him a hug to reassure him. Soren closed his eyes tightly as Alvin shouted once more while I heard the dragon trash about in the cage in pain.

"Astrid, you and the others take Soren and head back up to the mansion." Hiccup stated while pulling out his gun.

"Hiccup what the hell are you planning?!" Both Stoick and I whisper. "You can't take on that many men."

"But I can't let them hurt that dragon either." Hiccup said as he handed Wodensfang to Soren. "Besides I'll have Toothless with me."

Toothless gave a croon of reassurance. "If we get that dragon out we'll be making a run for it. I want you guys to go ahead so that you won't get caught." Hiccup said with determination. "The Outcasts are blocking the sea entrance so we'll rendezvous with you on the way out of the cave."

"You are either brave or crazy." Wodensfang stated.

"I'm leaning towards crazy." Stoick said while the others nodded.

"Why would you risk your life for a dragon?" Wodensfang suddenly asked.

Hiccup merely looked at the small gray dragon before saying. "Because it looks like that dragon needs help."

We reluctantly left Hiccup and Toothless to deal with the situation. Stoick promised to get Security down here as fast as he could. We had been heading back for maybe five minutes when we could hear bangs, cursing, and various shouts through the cave tunnels.

"Don't worry Astrid." Soren said. "Hiccup will be alright. He always keeps his promises."

The dragons couldn't fly in the cavern tunnels so we had to go back on foot. We had covered a good distance when we could hear the shouting once more. We then heard the familiar sound of a Night Fury followed by a crash.

"Oh Thor. That was Toothless." I gasped as I heard the sound of cheering after the crash.

Then that weird dragon ran in our direction but stopped when it saw us. It looked panicked and started backing up and growling low while swishing it's three tails. The dragon hesitantly took a look behind him and let out a sad croon. Taking one more look at us the dragon darted back down the tunnel it came from.

"We follow it." I heard Soren with such determination that he immediately reminded me of Hiccup. Before I could react I saw Soren dart down the same tunnel as the dragon. I cursed under my breath as we followed after Soren.

The voices were getting closer. We hid behind some boulders as we finally found the Outcasts. They still outnumbered us and I saw that they had Hiccup and Toothless tied down. I saw no signs of Soren or the Triple Stryke.

"You cost me my dragon!!" Alvin roared while delivering a kick to Hiccup.

"Will you get over yourself!!" Hiccup retorted. "Not everything is about you!!"

"Why... you... good fur nothing!!" Alvin yelled back looking more incensed and was about to deliver another blow when I saw Soren jump on top of him from a large boulder. All that was running through my mind was 'Frick!!'

"YOU LEAVE MY DADDY ALONE!!!" Soren yelled as he proceeded to pound his fists against a surprised Alvin.

Alvin recovered quickly and proceeded to throw Soren off of him. Hiccup while still bound scooted in front of Soren to protect him.

I saw Alvin take one look at the boy and then proceeded to laugh. "I remember you. You're that damn useless brat of that woman." Alvin said menacingly. "Didn't I tell you what would happen if I saw you again."

Soren who still gave Alvin a defiant look shouted back "I don't care. I'm not letting you hurt my daddy."

"Your daddy!" Alvin said and then proceeded to laugh once more. This time the other Outcasts joined in. "Oh this is rich. I wonder what would happen if he learns the truth about who your real father is."

"Wh...What do you mean?" Soren asked a bit hesitantly.

"Your mother belonged to me kid." Alvin stated with a menacing smirk. "So the only one who could be your father is me."

Hiccup then surged forward delivering a blow right in Alvin's face. Alvin staggered back. I saw Soren standing there with a small knife in his hands. He must have cut the ropes holding Hiccup.

"Soren what did I tell you about stealing?" Hiccup said as he managed to give Alvin another punch.

"To keep my sticky fingers out of 'your' pockets." Soren answered back as he was cutting Toothless' ropes.

"Sounds about right." Hiccup commented as he kicked a charging Outcast in the ribs.

One of the Outcasts ran at Soren but he was flattened by the Triple Stryke who apparently had been hanging unseen from a stalactite waiting for the opportune moment to attack.

"We take them now!" I shout to the others.

The gang, our dragons, and I all swarmed the Outcasts. They were too stunned by the sudden reinforcements and we took advantage of that. I think the Triple Stryke was enjoying himself the most as he was stinging man after man with its tail.

Soren had freed Toothless who was now guarding him as Hiccup dealt with Alvin and Outcast members brave enough to come and help him.

I saw Hiccup bending down over Alvin to retrieve his gun. He then yelled at the top of his lungs. "EVERYBODY STOP!!"

Pointing the gun at Alvin's head Hiccup then yelled "If any of you want to see your boss alive then I'd suggest dropping your weapons!!"

"You don't have the guts." Alvin spat from where he was sprawled out on the ground.

Hiccup then pulled the trigger and shot a bullet right past Alvin's ear.

"Try me." Hiccup said in a deadly whisper. The cave was silent except for the sounds of weapons falling and the Outcasts giving themselves up.

The Triple Stryke bounded over to Hiccup and proceeded to sit on Alvin while snarling menacingly, its tails ready to strike."

"Soren" Hiccup then called as he and I headed for Toothless who had shielded Soren with his wing.

"Soren are you alright?" I ask as Toothless lifts his wing. Soren held his head low and wouldn't look us in the eye.

"Y......You guys still want me?" Soren said after a sob. "Even after finding out who I'm related to?"

"Of course we want you." Hiccup said pulling Soren into a hug. "You don't need to listen to a mean man who can't trim his beard properly."

"Hey!!" Was shouted by Alvin who then let out a yelp as the Triple Stryke paralyzed him.

I then proceeded to swat Soren.

"Hey what gives?!!" Soren yelled.

"That was for scaring the crap out of me!!" I tell the boy and then crush him in a hug. "And this is for being okay."

The Triple Stryke then bounded over to us as I saw that the still paralyzed Alvin was left in the care of the twins who were sporting wicked smirks.

Stoick also came over and enveloped both Hiccup and Soren in a bone crushing hug.

"Can't breathe." Soren gasped.

"Get used to it." Hiccup said, equally out of breath.

After Stoick let them go I saw the Triple Stryke along with Toothless slobber all over Hiccup and Soren.

"This isn't going to wash out is it?" Soren asked while completely drenched in slobber.

"Nope" Hiccup stated as he gave both Toothless and the other dragon a scratch.

The Triple Stryke let out a croon while nudging Soren.

"What does he want?" Soren asked and Hiccup told him to hold his hand out and look away.

Soren did that and the Triple Stryke pressed his head against Soren's palm. "All you got to do now is name him." Hiccup said with a smile.

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