chapter 1

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I sat on top of a roof of an old broken down mansion but I still called it home. My home. I gazed into the city in front of me. It was night time so the city was beautifully lit up. I picked up a bit of paper from beside me. I unfolded it and I saw a picture of my next target. James Mills.

James owes me money and I wanted it by the end of this week but nope, I haven't got it yet; so now, time to kill.

I got up from the roof and climbed down the pipes with ease. I walked out into the dark streets, pulling up my scarf to cover my mouth and I pulled my hood up from my hoodie.

I walked in the streets with people and monsters walking pass me, I got glares but mostly from the monsters. Heh, I guess some of they know who I am then. To respond I just death glared back which makes them cower in fear.

I carried on walking down the path and there he is. James Mills outside of that monster restaurant Grillby's smoking. I watched him puffing out smoke looking at it disappearing in the air. I walked up to him keeping my eyes on his every move. I pulled my gun out from my holster.

I got beside him and clicked my gun to get his attention. His head whipped beside me and he gasped. I looked up at the sky. "Lovely night, isn't it?" I asked.

I heard him breathing fast, "P-please, N-Night Blade. I-I don't have the money," He whimpered out in fear.

I rolled my eyes, "James, James," tsked at him. "I gave you two weeks. I want my money." I said in a low voice.

His eyes showed fear but he stood Straight, "I told you, I. don't. Have. It," He gritted out.

Wow, is that all he got?

I laughed, "Well, then. Bye," I pointed the gun to his heart and pulled the trigger. His large body fell on the ground with a 'Thud'.

One thing about me is that I don't show mercy.

I crouched down to his jacket pocket and grabbed his wallet and looked inside of it.

$400 was in it. So the bastard DID have my money. I threw the wallet behind me and walked past the corpse without looking back.

Being an assassin wasn't the prettiest job in the world, it had its ups and down. But hey, it was the only thing I know in this world. I was thrown into the job at a young age. I was taking from my home after my ex-boss killed my both parents and took me as a trophy. I became his pride and I showed skills. They said that I was a fast learner.

I left after a few months after I had my final training I was sent to kill him. By him, I mean the best in the Royal Guard. Sans the bloody skeleton. He was the reason why I left the M.H.G.A. by giving me a new home and making up for all the monsters I had killed. Sans wasn't the worst; he trained me to dodge magic, which I got good at. He was my partner and my friend. I soon got fed up I had doubts that I was another puppet to him. Him telling me what to do and if I don't I was punished for it. I took my best equipment and left with a note sitting on my bed.

Walking back to the broken down mansion was like a walk in the park, especially after a target. I moved there after I left the Royal Guard, no one bothered me and I loved it.

I got to the front door and I saw that it was open, it couldn't be the wind as it was a clear night. I got into stealth mode and checked how much bullets I had left. I slipped into the door without opening it more and walked slowly in the hallway. The moonlit only little of the mansion but I could see fine and that's perfect for me to hide.

At the top of the stairs, I saw a dark figure. I had to look twice before I recognise the figure and I mentally groaned.


He was here. In my home.

I quietly ran up the stairs and I'm thankful that it was made from concrete or I would have been in great trouble that I would've been betrayed by wooden stairs.

I got to the top and I kicked the back of sans' knee making him fall to the ground with a 'thud'. I pointed my gun to the top of his head and stepped on his back making sure he wouldn't move.

I heard a sigh coming from the bottom of me, "Well, ya got me now what?" he asked like I'm not pointing a gun at him.

I rolled my eyes, "Why are you here?" I asked him, clicking my gun.

I won't shoot Sans and he knows that. So what's the point in the gun?

I don't know.

Sans shrugged his shoulders under me, "I need you."

"Not going to happen." I gritted through my teeth.

"Welp here goes nothing," Sans said in a bored voice. He teleported from under me and I turned around in surprise. Sans grabbed my wrist and I pulled the trigger missing him by an inch shooting the ceiling making some dust fall. I felt a bony arm around my waist, I struggled as much as I can but no avail. He's using his magic to keep me grounded.

"Now, Paps!" I heard Sans shout from behind me. I whipped my head to the window and saw something shining in the light.

Fuck off.

I saw the bullet before I heard the sniper going off.

The sneering pain went into my leg. I looked down and saw a tranquillizer bullet hanging from my leg. I was dropped from my place, feeling the drug taking its place and making my eyes feel heavy.

I looked up one final time, seeing Sans looking at me before darkness took over me.


I sat on my bed thinking. Thinking if I should leave or not. I have a feeling that I was brought here as another puppet for another mafia group, like the last one.

I had a rough day of training with Sans, dodging magic. I wasn't used of being around monsters still, apart from killing them in cold blood. I haven't been out since I was brought here.

It didn't bug me at first then I grew annoyed but Sans said that I wasn't ready yet. Or that's an excuse of not letting me kill any of the monsters in the Royal Gaurd.

I got up and looked for my gear in the room and I wrote a note and left. 


Hey guys! So I rewrote this chapter and I hope it was better than the first one. 

As I said I hope you enjoyed it.


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