Chapter 14

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Y/n Pov

It was dark. The moon was nearly full. I felt butterflies in my stomach, ready to go for the kill. I can't wait to finish this. What that bastard did to me, My parents, Sans and Steve he's going to die.
Me and Sans started talking over the plan but it's going to be hard.
Really to be honest I haven't pulled anything like this in my time of working for the M.H.G.A. Sans kept giving me a concern look if I frowned or anything. I kept insuring him saying "I'm fine". Which I wasn't.
I was really at war with myself here.
One side of me saying "Don't kill him. Revenge will make it worse" and the other "He done this to you. He made you into a monster".

I pulled my hood up as we walked near the Sunset house. The mansion I used to call home.

I felt Sans staring at me, I turned my head as I stopped walking. Sans had mixed emotions same as me.
"I know how you feel, Y/n. I can't believe we're doing this either. Heh, Frisk is not going to be happy with us if he finds out about this" Sans said.
I sighed "It's not like that Sans, we're about to kill someone who has the best assassins around below me. We're about to kill someone who killed my parents. I just.... I-I don't know" my voice sounded like in a painful sad tone, even though I don't feel it.

Sans nodded "You know when we first met. I was actually sent to Kidnap you" Sans admitted.
"Why?" I asked sans
Sans chuckled "Some how I knew to you were going to ask that. The reason was was to get answers out of you" San said.
We started walking again.
I looked at him with shock. "What made you stop that thought?" I asked as I tilted my head.
"Well first: you kicked my ass" me and Sans bothed laughed. "But seriously, I saw something in you which I can't explain" Sans said.
"Try then" I say back to him.
"Welp here goes nothing. You see, I don't see an assassin but a strong young woman who 'Was' broken by a dick head. But she managed to fix it. I know that you don't take shit from anyone. You can be all innocent but and aggressive at the same time. Y/n I never said this to you before but you're this amazing young women i grew to be partners with, you're loyal, sweet and you can be a dirty killer when you want to be but I grew to put up with you." Sans finished his speech.
I looked at him with utter shock.
What can I say back to him?
Wait I know...
I smiled "Thanks Sans. You know, you are this amazing monster I love to joke around with. Ever since you saved me from that place we been together. Like best friends. Like skin and bone " We both laughed more
"I love your puns and you can be a dick when you want to be as well. Even though I'm still mad at you for almost killing me..." i said which made Sans chuckle at the memory "But I'm glad our friendship is this far" I finished.
"Thanks toots" I smiled at the nickname.
"no problem, bonehead" Sans smirked at nickname.

Half an hour later we arrived at The Sunset house.
Flash blacks rushed through my mind like a waterfall crashing at the bottom. I shook my head trying to put the past behind me.

(a/n this picture is from Fable 3

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(a/n this picture is from Fable 3. The mansion is actually called sunset house)

We hid against the nearby wall.
I looked at Sans with full on serious face "Okay out best chance is going through one of the back windows" I said.
"And why is that?" Sans asked.
I sighed "Because it's where Richard keep the kids. The new assassin's that are trained" I explained.
I saw Sans' thinking face "or I could teleport on one of the balconies. You did say that they always keep the doors open or unlocked" Sans suggested.
I thought about it for a while. "That actually can work" I said, which made Sans do a victory smile.
"Okay, ready?" Sans asked
I made sure I had all of my stuff.
I inhaled and exhaled "Ready" i stated.
"You sure?" Sans seriously asked
"I'm sure"
"Okay, remember we might have one shot at this" Sans pointes out.
I nod. "Let's do this" I said with a smile.
Sans held his hand out for me. My hand started to shake for some reason but I shrugged it off and took Sans hand.
I closed my eyes and felt my stomach turn for a millisecond. I opened my eyes and saw that we're at the balcony of the house. I looked at the view. I loved looking at the city lights when I go out at night.

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