Chapter 9

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2nd person pov

It's been an hour since you and Sans got back. You were in your normal clothes which is: black leggings,  black hoodie, black running shoes and your new blue scarf that Sans gave you  tied loosen around your waist.  You haven't told Sans what happened in the party which made a small argument between you two.  Your were cleaning yor favorite gun until you heard her bedroom door open.  You stopped and looked up. It was Sans.  You continued with your cleaning even know the gun is clean. 
"Hello" you said in a quiet voice. 
"heya, you okay?" Sans asked. 
You  replied with a hum that means 'Yes'. 
"Frisk wants ya" Sans said.  He could tell that you  want to keep what happened hidden. 
Y/n stopped and stood up. 
"Okay" she replied. 
You  tried to ignore and walk past Sans,  but it back fired when Sans grabbed your  hand harshly. 
"I'm not mad at ya" He said with a little bit of pissy tone in therd. 
"really? Cause it sounds like it. You know you've been acting weird since I drugged Matt" you argued back.  You can't be fuck with this.  Neither is Sans. 
"Me? What about you" he said. 
Some monsters were out of their rooms watching this. 
"What about me?" you asked in a aggressive manner. 
"Well for one you won't tell me what happened and se-" Sans was cut off by you  saying
"Because it doesn't concern you Sans" you said. 
Sans turned you around. 
"It's does concern me because I'm your friend, partner. So you better speak up and tell me"
"I'm not saying a word" you  said. 
Sans had enough with this.
"That's it your off the field" he said
"What? You can't do that!" you  shouted. 
"Yeah, I can and I will"
"What you going to do if I do?"
"I'll chain you up and make sure you'll be punished just like what the M.H.G.A did to you" Sans finished. 
You stood there  frozed. You couldn't  believe he said.  He promised. You began to have flashbacks.
'you will be punished' 'you will be punished'  those words were playing in your head over and  over and over again. 
You the  felt tears in your eyes and she looked at Sans with shock. 
Sans soon realised what he said.  He immediately felt guilt smacking him in the face. 
"Kid I-" Y/n cut Sans off. 
"YOU PROMISED" you yelled with such anger. 
"Kid... I" Sans trailed off.
"you what Sans?" you asked. 
"Yea that's what I thought"
"Kid, I'm sorry" Sans said. 
"Sorry? You promised not to bring it up Sans. You know what they did to me and yet you want to re-play my nightmares" you finished
You ran away from Sans, leaving hom with a face full of regrets. You waited until you was out of the base to cry. 
You cried and cried until no more tears. You  took off the walkie talkie that you  kept with you at all times and threw on the ground. Right now your mind is burning with nothing but hatred against Sans. 

You  walked out the entrance of  the base.
"That fuckin bastard" you muttered under your breath.  You heard footsteps coming close to you.  You  looked around nothing or that's what she fought.  Vines came out of no where and pinned you on the ground by your hands and feet. 
You screamed and struggled to get out of the grib of the monster that had you. 
"No use of struggling, Night-Blade" A voice said. 
You looked around and saw red eyes in the dark night. You gasped.
The girl from the party, she held up a rag and a bottle.
You struggled more and you don't have any of your equipment. 
The girl came closer to you and lift her hand with the rag on it and placed it over your mouth.
You feel the chemicals going into your brain, making your eye lids feel heavy. 
Last thing you heard was "Nighty night"  before blacking out. 


I watched Y/n run from me.  Why the hell did I say that to her? Yea i was angry at her because she wouldn't tell me what happened at the fuckin party.  I sighed. 

"Sans!" i heard someone shouting my name. I walked to where the voice came from and it was Alphys. 
I wonder what happened.  I walked into her office.  She was on her computer with the security cameras screens on them. 
"What's wrong Alph?" I asked. 
"Sans,  someone covered the cameras but they picked up the sounds.  I heard someone screaming and then someone laughing like a maniac. I only heard one voice.  It was a women's voice and then nothing" Alphys explained. 
"Play it" I said. 
Alphys played the video. I heard footsteps..... Then a scream...... Then "no use of struggling Night-Blade"
"Y/n" i muttered.
"what was that Sans?"
"Y/n.  We had a fight then she left. Before she came here her code name was Night-Blade. I'll see what I can find outside" i said. 
Alphys nodded. 

I teleported outside. It was too dark.  I used my magic to flame up my eye.  I looked all around me until I spot something.  I walked over to it and picked it up. It was the scarf I gave to Y/n to say sorry for hurting her. 
Now she's been captured by M.H.G.A because of that stupid fight we had.
Matt....  He must be apart of this.  Y/n did say that he had something on them. 
I teleported back to base and walked straight to the interrogation room where Matt is held. 
I walked right pass Frisk who had a worried look on their face.  I can't blame them but.  I walked into the room where Matt was anx seen the stupid smugged face on him. 
"Now, you're going to tell what the fuck The M.H.G.A are planning to do to Y/n or you're gonna have a bad time buddy. So now it's the perfect time to talk" I said with my eye flaming.
Handerson started laughing.  "You think I'm gonna tell you just like that. Sorry bonehead, we were trained not to break. But Night-Blade maybe 'the best' but she can break down easy as you know"  he said. 
I wen't closer to his face.  "Where the fuck is the base.  If you don't tell me I swear to Asgore you will be thrown across this room until you force it out  Capiće?"
"okay,  okay. My boss hired a hit man or hit women called Chara and a little house plant called flowey or something. They wanted Night-Blade home. So they took her.  The base is at the sunset mansion. There happy?" Matt explained. 
"you still haven't told me fully whag they want with Y/N" i said feelings my eye going back to normal. 
"After they have her, they're going to do something to her.  Like mind control or something then coming here.  And we both know what Night-Blade is capable of doing if her mind isn't straight. Remember she did tried to kill you like what?  Five times or something?" I nodded "Well then.  I better start preparing cause they're doing it the moment she wakes up"  Matt finished. 

Well this is going to be fun......


Two chapters in one day! Go Miia!

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