Earl of Beretha

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It was a short walk to the residence of the Earl of Beretha. It was a new building, mostly from stone. The whole front was covered in decorations, including gilded lilies on the tops of the facade, and a range of painted animals carved in relief in the stone. The house was set back a little from the street, and surrounded by a black iron fence with gold painted spikes on top. The Earl was showing off his wealth and power.

The main gate was open, but two guards stood on either side of the gate posts, and a third was questioning those that arrived and checking them for weapons. A fourth could be seen inside a wooden hut just behind one of the gate posts.

'Good afternoon. What is your business?' the guard asked.
'We're here on Skyssian official business to see the Earl.' I said.
'Do you have paperwork?'
'I do.' I pulled the credentials Erik had given me out from my skirt pocket and handed them to the guard.
The guard spent a moment examining them and then handed them back to me. 'Everything is in order. Please go in the main door.'

Noren and I set off across the gravelled yard between the Earl's palace and the street.
'That was easier than I expected.' I said.
'They didn't search us.' Noren said.
'The concealment must be working.'
'I hope that's what it is.'
'Jafnadr would warn me if it was a trap'
'Did Jafnadr warn you about the bears?'
'Don't rely on being warned ahead of the trap springing. Look for the signs yourself.'

I looked about, just in case. We were on the steps leading up to the door. I checked that Jafnadr was loose in the scabbard.
Noren lead through the door, and I followed closely.
The entrance hall was empty of people. Noren stopped a couple of paces in. His left hand drifting near his pommel. I let my hand stay in contact with Jafnadr.

'We've been expecting you.' a man said from above us.
I turned to look at where the voice was coming from. A man stood on the stairs above us, hands on the rail looking down.
'Come on up, the Earl will see you soon.' he said.

We walked round to the bottom of the stairs and met the man as he came down. He was wearing a silk suit in burgundy, with gold rings set with stones on several fingers. His face was clean shaven, and his black hair was cut short.

'Good day, I'm the Earl's private secretary, if you follow me I can take you to the private audience chamber.' he said.

The entrance hall was truly impressive, every inch of wall and ceiling was painted, gilded, carved or decorated in some way. Various scenes of battles on both land and sea, fairs, and a collection of family groups adorned the walls.

The stairs were of a smooth shiny, white stone, and there was a carpet laid up the centre of the wide staircase. The carpet was wide enough for Noren and I to walk abreast without touching.

At the top of the stairs we turned into a wood panelled corridor with more portraits on the wall. At the end the Earl's private secretary showed us into another opulently decorated room. Two gilt and red velvet high-backed benches formed part of a square with a stone fireplace and a more ornate chair. Behind the single chair was a door into another room. The walls were painted with scenes of countryside and men hunting animals.

'Please, take a seat. Help yourself to the refreshments.' the private secretary indicated a selection of jars and pottery on a tray on the low table in the middle of the square. There were several plates with a variety of foods on them.

'Thank you.' Noren said. 'Will the Earl be long?'
'Not long. He's just finishing up another issue and he'll be with you then.' the private secretary left us via the other door.

'What do you think?' I asked Noren.
'I think we should help ourselves to some refreshments and wait patiently.' he said.
'Good idea.' I stepped into the square and took a look at the selection. There were small plates, cups, jugs with various liquids in them, I recognised none of them.
'Maybe we should just sit down, I don't know what any of these drinks are.'

Noren stopped examining the picture that faced what had to be the Earl's chair and came over. He looked at the various jugs, and sniffed a couple.

'I think these two are wine, but I'm not sure.'
'Best to leave it alone then.'

The other door opened and the Earl came in, followed by his private secretary. The Earl was dressed in black silks, with black lace striped diagonally across it. He strode in and sat down in his chair. The private secretary sat on the closest corner of the bench to the Earl.

'Good day.' he said.
'Well met, your grace.' I said, bowing slightly.
'Please, sit.'

Noren and I sat down on the bench opposite the Earl.

'I'm Lady Yngvild Helgasdotir, and this is Noren Alfarinnsson. We're here on behalf of the Skyssian Board of Trade.'
'I've been expecting someone to turn up. You Skyssians poke your noses in everywhere, even when it doesn't concern you.' The Earl smiled at us.
'We like peace and prosperity, and things that threaten that concern us all.' I said.
'So what are you doing about our neighbours threatening to invade Salicia?'
'Exactly what you would expect. We've stopped selling them anything that might help them wage war.  Some of my colleagues will, without doubt, be speaking to their King.'
'I am honoured that you have taken the time to tell me this.' The Earl said. 'I shall sleep easier in my bed tonight.'
'There is something that we think you could do to help prevent a war.'
'Here it comes. Skyssians sticking their noses in.'
'I believe our suggestion is mutually beneficial for the people of both Salicia and Skyss. Neither of us will prosper if Cottalem invades here.'
'While we might both benefit, I am sure that Skyss will benefit more than the people of Salicia.'
'You haven't heard what we're suggesting yet.'
'Unless you're suggesting that I am your preferred candidate to succeed our dear beloved King, and I hope that succession is a long way off, then there isn't much I'm prepared to do to help you.'
'I wasn't going to comment on the succession here in Salicia, although I did hope that you could help prevent a war by talking it down. You are one of the most influential nobles in Salicia, people listen to what you say.'
'The reality is, that the threat to invade is driven by the erroneous belief that Cottalem has that their King is the rightful heir to Salicia. That's the reason that we can't be reconciled easily. You'd be far better using your efforts to persuade them not to start a war.'
'I think others are doing exactly that. We've been sent here to resolve things at this end.'
'A war is not something I seek, and I'm already on record saying that. However, if you were to back me as your preferred candidate to succeed then I might be able to be more active in helping you.'
'I'd be happy to put that to Kronstadt, we can see that you are highly influential, but I can't see how you can claim to succeed to the current King.'
'That's because you don't understand the history. My claim to the throne is from the previous house that ruled Salicia. My great grandfather was deposed as King by the grandfather of the current King. His house took over by main force, my grandfather was lucky to escape alive. So I do have a legitimate claim, and many in Salicia know this. With the support of Skyss I could make it real.'
'That's very interesting, your grace. I'll be sure to report it back to Kronstadt. It may be enough to influence their thinking.' 
'Thank you for your time, your grace.' Noren said. 'It has been most enlightening'
'I shall look forward to hearing what your bosses in Kronstadt think of your report.'

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