The Temple

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We moved at a fast canter to Estreham without stopping. The fields gave way to low hills, with pasture, and then groups of trees, and finally the return of the forest. Housing stopped fairly abruptly, apparently people didn't want to live to close to a cursed temple. We crested a curved ridge and saw a bowl shaped valley below, a white domed building stood amidst a circle of twelve large chestnut trees about half a mile away. Round the trees was a cleared area, with a clear pond or small spring-fed lake on one side.
Smoke drifted lightly from the centre of the dome, someone was in the temple, and they were burning something. Inibrakemi drove us on, breaking into a gallop now that the destination was in sight.
My attention was focussed on staying on Whiteface, I'd not ridden this fast before. So I missed the bear until Whiteface reared. Thankfully my concentration on holding on for dear life meant that I stayed on her back when she kicked her front legs in the air. By the time I regained control the bear was gone, and Alfinna stood in her place.
'Alfinna! How many times have I told you not to do that?' Inibrakemi dismounted, letting her confused horse go free.
Alfinna dissolved into laughter. 'Your face!' she pointed.
Inibrakemi tried to look stern. 'That isn't helpful.' But ended up laughing with Alfinna as they embraced.
I dismounted and got hold of Noren's horse while they calmed down.
'Yngvild, I think you've met Alfinna before?'
'Yes, on Grunwald, near Knarvik. We met in the woods.'
'I like those woods.' Alfinna said.
'I need your help, Noren isn't well.'
'My brother? You brought him here?'
'On the other horse.' I said. 'Can we take him inside, he needs help.'
'It might not be best to take him inside'
'Relax Alfinna, we can protect him.' Inibrakemi caught the rein she'd been using to lead Noren's horse.
'If the curse of Clewg strikes him down--'
'--Rojden is to blame.' Inibrakemi finished Alfinna's sentence. 'Let's get him settled.'
I unlaced the knot holding Noren's legs to the saddle. Alfinna gave up arguing and got to work on the other side of the horse from me.
Together we gently lowered Noren from the saddle onto the soft short grass just outside the circle of trees.
Noren shivered as we laid him down, yet he radiated heat like hot rocks after the fire had gone out.
'He's been like this since early this morning, before that he'd do things when you asked, but didn't speak or respond to anything.' I said.
'What happened?'
'Rojden had us, and sent me to end the war. I don't know what he did to Noren, but he put a geas on him, and he hasn't been the same since.'
'Has he been like this for the whole time?'
'No, it was only after I took him away from Rojden, and made him an amulet with a silver coin I found in Beretha.'
'The amulet might not be helping. Or at least not helping enough.' Alfinna said.
'If we take it off Rojden will know where he is.' Inibrakemi said.
'He can't do anything about that. Unless he's found out how to become an adept of Clewg.' Alfinna said.
'No-one knows the ancient rites of Clewg. It's not even written in their books, and they had a lot of those.' Inibrakemi said.
'Yngvild, you need to break the cord holding the amulet.'
I loosened the top buttons on Noren's doublet and pulled the shirt neck open. The folded coin sat in the hollow where his chest met his neck. The coin glinted in the sun. It was beautiful. I didn't want to destroy my good work.
What if Rojden's army rode in here and massacred us all? He surely couldn't be happy with me. Probably had a special death planned, something slow and excruciating.
'No I don't think we should. As soon as Rojden knows where we are his army will massacre us.'
Alfinna leaned forward, putting her hands on my shoulders and her mouth next to my ear.
'Yngvild. Listen. That amulet is powerful. Take it off.' She leaned back.
I couldn't move my arms. Had they been turned to stone? Was this the curse of Clewg?
Inibrakemi put my left hand onto the pommel of Jafnadr.
My mind cleared.
Use me. It needs a drop of blood before you cut the cord.
I stood and drew Jafnadr. I touched the tip of Jafnadr with the little finger on my left hand. 'Bleed me a little.' I thought. I barely felt anything as Jafnadr drew blood.
I dropped the point to touch the amulet. As I saw the blood drip onto the coin I spoke.
'Noren, I release you from this amulet, but you stay under my protection.'
My ears filled with a keening, rising to ululation as I dropped Jafnadr's point behind the cord and sliced it away from Noren's neck.
It got so loud I dropped to my knees and fell across Noren's chest. I let go of Jafnadr and the noise stopped. My left hand dripped more blood on his face. It sizzled.
His eyes fluttered.
'Noren! Noren!' I held his head in both hands and willed him to wake up.
He thrashed for a moment and lay still.
I could see his chest rising and falling with each breath.
'Well done Yngvild, I think that helped.' Alfinna hugged me from behind and pulled me away from Noren.
'I'll get some help.' Inibrakemi turned away and went into the temple building.

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