Making Sense

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I woke the next morning to the sun streaming in the windows. They were glazed to keep the wind out. Something I'd only seen in the Palace at Kronstadt and the Earl's house in Beretha, and the one solitary window in Old Bjorn's secret room back on Straven.

The view from the window was spectacular. We were on one of the highest points in the city. Over the rooftops I could see forests and fields below. The river snaked away through the fields, boats moored on the river. Several barges formed a bridge a mile or so outside the city walls and were being used by the army to cross. I could see groups of cavalry going downstream, and there were foot soldiers getting into barges just downstream of the makeshift bridge. More cavalry fanned out on the far side of the bridge to form a screen.

On the table were some pastries, and a glass of milk. My fancy shift was laid over the back of the chair, and my silk hose draped over them. Eva had clearly found my pack and thought I should wear the nicer items today. As I put the hose on I noticed a red silk dress hanging on the outside of the bed. It seemed people wanted me to look like Lady Yngvild, and not like Yngvild the Fierce. I ignored it and put on my linen underskirt before sitting down to eat the pastries while admiring the view out of the window.

Last night's claims by Rojden put a different perspective on my life. He still fitted into the devious and ambitious reputation I'd been given for him. He was leading an army to take over another state, and he played mind games with me. He'd also told me a lot of stories designed to undermine my confidence in Old Bjorn. True, there was something in it. Old Bjorn hadn't told us all the things it might have been useful for us to know. But it couldn't just completely invalidate everything I knew. Could it?

I needed Noren to talk to. But Rojden had done something strange to him. I don't think that I can speak freely with Noren, not while he's still under Rojden's influence.

Eva came into the room, breaking my train of thought.

'You're awake, my lady, you should have called for me.' She said.

'I was enjoying the peace, Eva, and the breakfast. Thank you for laying it out.'
'No need to thank me, my lady, it's what I'm here for.'
'I see a lot of movement out there, is there any news?'
'None they've shared with me, my lady. Perhaps you might get dressed and go downstairs to ask?'
'An excellent suggestion.'
Eva bustled over to where the red dress was hanging and twitched it off the hanger with a practiced flick of her wrists. I stood and moved closer to her. Eva turned to face me and threw the dress over my head. She then tugged it here and there until it fell into place.
It was shorter than my underskirt by several inches. It also had a lower neckline than my shift. Eva looked at me appraisingly.
'Your underskirt needs to come off, the shift will do, but you'll want another one for tomorrow.' she said.
I fumbled through the dress to undo the waist button on my underskirt. When I got it undone I wriggled my hips while Eva tugged the hem to make it fall to the floor. Eva rearranged the shift so that the embroidered pattern showed well. Then she laced me into the dress.
'Not too tight, I'd like to be able to breathe' I said as Eva pulled it tight around my waist.
'Just getting your shape, my lady.'
Laced up I couldn't bend over to put my shoes on. Eva came back from a side room with some matching red silk slippers.
'Let me, my lady. I think these would better suit your dress.'
Eva kicked my scuffed and worn shoes out the way so that she could help me on with the slippers.

Downstairs I found Noren having breakfast with Rojden. Rojden was working his way through a pile of despatches.
'Good morning!' I smiled brightly at them.
'It just got better.' said Rojden.
Noren stared open mouthed. 'You look fantastic, Yngvild.'
That was the response that I wanted, but hadn't expected.
'Has anything interesting happened while I was asleep?' It clearly had.
'That depends on how you define interesting.' Rojden said.
'Has the war stopped yet?'
'Well, there are moves afoot to end it.'
'I saw some of the army going downstream.'
'Well, that's where you might be able to help prevent unnecessary bloodshed.'
'What do you want us to do?'
'I understand that you met the Earl of Beretha.'
'That's correct.'
'and you also ran into Duke Xaime's guards.'
'Someone claimed that you were the commander of the Duke's guard.'
'mmm, yes. They could have seen it that way. I helped the Duke to choose his personal guards.'
'Isn't there a conflict of interest there?'
'I don't believe that the Duke is in a position to complain.'
'Did his bodyguard kill him?'
'Oh no. Far from it. Many of them died trying to protect him.'
'What happened?'
Rojden made a show of digging into his pile of papers.
'According to the report the Earl sent some men to get the Duke's oath of fealty, or to arrest him. The Earl's guard outnumbered the Duke's. There was some bitter fighting, and the Duke had a most unfortunate accident.'
'What's your source for this?'
'Some survivors reached our lines and reported what happened. The Earl has proclaimed himself King of Salicia and has called for the army to mobilise in support of him against the invasion from Cottalem.'
'What about the old King's daughter?'
'She's here, she fled from the Earl's men, they killed her husband and most of her household.'
'So the Earl is the only one standing against you?'
'Yes. That's where you come in. I know you saw him a few days ago. I need you to go back to him and tell him that Skyss cannot support him.'
'What terms can you offer him?'
'He can keep his title and lands if he acknowledges the new King.'
'That's generous.'
'He has done us a favour by killing the other candidates. Makes us look humane.'
'What if he says no?'
'Cottalem is much larger that Salicia. Our army will defeat his. Also the Salician army will be split, the King's daughter has recognised the new King. Xaime's former guards have also denounced the Earl of Beretha.'
'Are we free to go when we've delivered your message and reported back to you?'
'You will be free to go when the negotiations are complete.'
'When do we start?'
'Tomorrow. Today we have a coronation to attend.'

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