Inside Beretha

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Major Duerte took me up to where the infantry were digging their siege lines. I'd left my shield behind, but  brought everything else with me. The infantry were digging themselves a long continuous ditch to stand guard in and shelter from arrows and other missiles that might get sent their way. The spoil heap was planted broadly behind their ditch, helping to screen off approaching friendly troops.
We were shown to a wooden hut protected by a screen of earth dug from the ditch. The infantry officer that met us seemed uncomfortable with Major Duerte.
'We need to wait until it gets fully dark, then I'll go across.' I said.
'It won't be long now. The infantry chap said to follow the ditch northwards. It will take us all the way to the front.' Major Duerte said.
'I still need to find a way in. I don't expect that the defenders will leave anywhere unguarded.'
'I think it might be time to go up to the front.' the Corporal was standing in the doorway watching the sun settle on the horizon.
'Let's go. That way I can have a look before we set off across the open.'
The ditch was level with the ground about 50 yards south of the hut. It gradually sloped down until the lip was about knee height. It was a little wider than any of us, but not enough to walk two abreast. The Corporal lead, I was next, followed by Jerre and Major Duerte in the rear.
There were piles of wood dumped on the side every ten yards or so. It wasn't completely straight, there were a couple of gentle turns as we approached the front. After the second turn the ditch went sharply down and the lip was above my head. The wood here had started to be used to reinforce the sides, but not all the way to the top.
It was only about 50 yards until we came to a join with another ditch going East to West. A couple of infantry soldiers sat on a step in their ditch, spades leant against the wall. Neither was armoured, or armed. It was still twilight, not that I could see the sun from inside the ditch.
'Come to 'elp 'ave ya?' an infantryman said.
'None o yer lip, lads. Got an officer and a lady with me' the Corporal said.
The infantry jumped up, grabbing their spades. One of them rushed off to my left. The other, who hadn't spoken yet, stood frozen.
'Right lad, where can the lady get a good view of the city?' the Corporal said.
He couldn't have missed it, but the infantryman didn't seem able to answer for a moment. 'Best go that way' he said, pointing in the direction that his erstwhile friend had gone.
The main ditch was a little wider. At the bottom it was the same, but it had a series of wide steps that let you see over the lip. It also wasn't straight. Every 30 yards or so there were two consecutive corners to twist the line one way or the other.
Each of the bays had a dozen or so infantry in them, all with spades. Bows, shields, swords and short polearms also rested within easy reach. In the third bay we were met by an infantry officer.
'I understand you've got an officer with you?' he said.
'Yes, sir. He's at the back.'
I climbed onto the step and risked a peek over the lip while Major Duerte pushed towards the other officer. Only the very top of the sun was visible against the horizon. The shadows would be gone soon. In front of the ditch was a series of sharpened wooden stakes. All the ones nearby pointed towards Beretha, but I expected that I'd find plenty pointing the other way when I got closer. There was no sign of movement out front.
'What have you got planned?' Major Duerte said.
'More digging when it gets dark. This section is good, but we're not joined up on either flank with the other sections.'
'How many are going out?'
'Everyone is either digging or part of the covering force.'
'That's going to make a lot of noise.'
'We expect them to do the same at this stage.'
'We need to get someone into the city. Can you give us some time?'
'We've all got jobs to do, Major. I need to secure my flanks.'
'Don't worry about it.' I said. 'I think it'll be easier for me to slip through if there's a distraction.'
Major Duerte looked up at me. 'You have a plan?' he said.
'Now that I can see the city, yes.' I said. 'Let's stay here until it's fully dark.'
'Then what?'
'We slide onto the top and crawl forwards until we are in front of our stakes. After that we look for a Berethan work party, sneak around behind them and then walk into the city.'
'That's going to get us caught. We're bound to be challenged by a sentry.'
'You're not coming that far with me. I'll be going into the city on my own.'
'My orders are to--'
'--render me every assistance and to ensure I make it into Beretha.' I finished the sentence for Major Duerte. 'They don't say that you have to come with me. You can come as far as the point where I stand up and walk into the city. After that you'll be a hindrance.'
The Major looked aghast, and his mouth flapped silently.
'No buts. You do it my way, or I leave you here now.'
'If that's how you want it, my lady.'
'It is.'

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