The Book of Heroes

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Noren needed initiated into the mysteries, but Old Bjorn reckoned that he needed protection from Jorunn rather than Malfin. Jorunn specialised in the Lost and Found. As a hero foundling Noren fit that perfectly, and he was already channelling those powers through his perceptive questions.

After a very informal dinner Noren and I had our usual alone time.
'You know that neither Old Bjorn nor Lady Helga can initiate me into Jorunn's mysteries.' he said.
'It had crossed my mind. I'm sure they know someone that can?'
'That's not how it works. I have a talent for this sort of thing. Jorunn deals with the Lost and Found.'
'Like us both. We were lost by our parents, and found by others.'
'Sort of. I think that I need to find someone to initiate me.'
'How are you going to do that?'
'I'm going to need to go out and look for what has been Lost.'
'Have you spoken to Old Bjorn about it?'
'Not yet. I thought I'd ask you to come with me first.'
'Do you have anywhere in mind to look?'
'My first thought was to go look in the city and see where the temples to Jorunn were. They say you can find anything that you want in Kronstadt...'
'You have some second thoughts?'
'I had a dream. The same dream more than once. It might be best to go find my mother, if she is still alive.'
'I noticed that they've not named either of your parents.'
'Me too. I think that's significant. Will you come with me to see Old Bjorn?'
I stood up and pulled at his hand. 'Let's go.'
'No time like the present. He'll be in his room or in Helga's study.'
'Let's start with the study, it's closer.'

The study was the largest collection of books and papers I'd ever seen, but up until I'd arrived here I'd thought Old Bjorn's seven books made him a scholar. The room had two walls filled with shelves of papers or books. A table sat in the middle, about Noren's height on the King side and about two thirds of that on the shorter sides. One of the walls had a window with a long bench underneath, just like my room, and the last wall had a fireplace and the door.
Old Bjorn stood over a large sheet of paper on the table, weighed down by some books and a candlestick. I recognised it as a navigation chart when I got closer, but I didn't recognise the sea area. He was tracing distances with dividers.
'Where is that?' I said.
'Oh, it's you. It's the sea route between here, Mangandlay and Cottalem. I'm trying to work out how long ago all this was set in train.'
'I don't think we need to worry about that right now.' said Noren.
'What do you think that we should be worrying about Noren?' Old Bjorn said.
'How to find my mother.'
'I don't think she will get involved.'
'I'm certain that she will help. She's the one I need to find to learn the mysteries of Jorunn.'
'There's merit to that. It might be worth visiting her. But she's been living as a recluse since before you were born. I'm not sure where she is.'
'If I'm right then I think I can find her. I'll need some help, will you come with me?'
'I'll help you get closer, but she might not want to see me. It might rekindle painful memories.'
'Painful memories?'
'I was around during a bad time in her life. I gave her some advice, which turned out to be wrong. It's partly why she lives as a recluse. But it's not my place to share that with you. It's up to her.'
'What can you tell me about her?'
'Her name is Alfarinn. She's descended from both Jorunn and Fafnir. It's an unusual combination, because Jorunn has an element of mischief, whereas Fafnir is about Justice and Equality. She was always good about finding the lost souls and setting them back on the right path.'
'Where did you last see her?'
'Here. In this very room. It was just before she disappeared into the forests. A devotee of Jorunn that wishes to be lost can disappear easily.' Old Bjorn said. 'About a year after I last saw her a priestess of Fafnir brought me Noren and asked that I looked after him.'
'Did the priestess say where Alfarinn was?'
'She didn't even tell me who your parents were. All I was told was that you were of divine blood and that Fafnir needed me to look after you. For years I thought you might be a demi-god directly descended from Fafnir.'
'What made you think that?'
'You, Noren. You have a charisma that draws people to love you. You learn rapidly, you're unusually tall and strong and even without initiation or training you can manifest divine abilities. That's more than most heroes manage after a decade of training and experience.'
'Wow! No wonder I love you so much Noren.' I said.
He blushed at that and squeezed my hand.
'I hadn't realised. I mean I knew I was stronger, taller and likeable. But I didn't realise that it was so unusual.'
'You wouldn't. It's normal for you, and we deliberately kept the pair of you away from civilisation. It was necessary.'
'Why?' I said.
'Because one day we'd need to defeat Noren's father, and there aren't many heroes powerful enough to do that. In fact there really aren't that many heroes. Not Skyssian ones at any rate.'
'How many do you think there are?'
'Skyssian Heroes?' Old Bjorn said. 'Maybe a couple of dozen still living. We last a while, but we don't breed new ones often. You two are probably the youngest, and the next ones to you are maybe twenty-five to thirty years older.'
'How old are you?' I asked.
'He's four or more generations older than us.' Noren said.
'It's politic not to ask old people their age. If they want you to know then they'll tell you.' Old Bjorn smiled at us.
'So how do we find your mother then?'
'She's in a round leaved forest. Somewhere warmer than here, but only a little. We'll need to get a ship, and then go overland.'
'The Board of Trade have proscribed us for travelling. So it might be tricky.' Old Bjorn said.
'We also need to have a better idea where the ship needs to go.' I said.
'Let me look at the chart.' Noren moved round the table and studied the chart. Kronstadt was near the top of the sheet. He looked at it for a moment and then closed his eyes. He waved his hands slowly over the map. After he'd covered it all he opened them again.
'What sort of trees grow here?' he pointed at a large island just South West of Kronstadt on the chart.
'That's Grunwald. It's the southern most part of Skyss. Some of the forests are deciduous.'
'Let's start there.'
'Fine. But you need new clothes and armour that fits. We also need to find a ship that will take us there.' Old Bjorn said.
'How soon can we leave?' Noren said.
'Two or three days.'

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