Chapter 44- Wedding

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April 16th
Da'Cia P.O.V: I woke up at 5 am. I had only gotten maybe an hour asleep. I hate waking up without Zayn or the babies but at least I'd see them soon. Today is our wedding day. Zayn and I are getting married. I get up and watch t.v and try to calm my nerves. The girls would be here at 7:30 ish and then Zayn's mom would drop the twins off at 8. She said she's keep them longer but I'm ready to see them. At 6:30 I eat some yogurt. I still have an hour until the girls get here, and I needed to calm my nerves. I smile. I walk to the stereo and hit play on one of the Cd's. I smile as Hips Don't Lie come on and I start dancing. I dance for about 30 minutes before getting a shower. I put on something loose and walk down stairs. Just as I get down stair the door bell rings. I answer the door and Kendra and Sara are standing there smiling.
I let them in and we head to the living room and call the florist,preacher,caterer, and every one else to make sure everything was going as planned. As Kendra ends her call there is a knock at the door and I answer it and smile. "Hey!" I say. "Hey!" Zayn's mom says as she passes the twins. I take them happily and give them each a kiss. "Would you like to come in?" I ask. "No. I'm sorry, but I have a few things to do this morning." I nod in understanding. She gives me a hug and kisses the twins then leaves. I close the door and walk in. At 8:30 Lou arrives with Lux and her and the twins play together. "We're gonna touch up anything that seems out of place." she said and I nod. I should've know that I have bad luck and we ended up having to go over some places with the wax. After that Lou starts on my hair. It takes her about almost 3 hours to do my hair. She decided as she was doing it some of my ends and crap weren't up to her standards and she fixed them. Zayn called while Lou was doing my hair so I could talk. By the time we start on my make up it's 12:30. It takes Lou a bit over 30 minutes to get my make up exactly right even though it wasn't nothing hard. By the time my hair and make up are don't it's 1. The girls work on theirs with some help from Lou and finally at 2:30 we are all done with hair and make up. Lou brought her and Lux's clothes so they would change here. The girls go in their dresses then helped me in mine. I got the twins dressed with the help of Sara. After that we put my tiara and veil on. I already have on my heels on. I glanced over at Lux and smiled at her in her pretty dress. I had asked Lou about her being in the wedding but after some talking we considered it best not to.
I look at myself in the mirror and smile. "I need some borrowed, blue,old and new." I say. Kendra nods. "Your dress is new." Kendra says. I nod. "Your garter has blue." Lou says. Sara looks at me and smiles. "Something borrowed." she says giving me a bracelet. "Something old... Zayn's mom gave me this necklace when I was pregnant." I say. "Now you have all four." Lou says and I nod. "You ready?" she asks. I nod. Time to get the limo and head to the beach.
The beach is really close by and we get there in 10 minutes. I can't stop shacking. My wedding is about to start. When we get there Lou checks everything then tells me time to start and I nod. Everyone is walking down the aisle and it's beautiful. The music changes and wait a second then get the twins to walk. We hadn't given Kaylen any flowers to throw because she's just put them in her mouth. As I walk down the aisle to They Don't Know About Us, I see Zayn's mouth drop. I smile. When I get to the end my uncle kisses my cheek and sits down and I take Zayn's hand. "You look perfect." he says. I smile. "You don't look to bad yourself." I say smiling. A minute later preacher starts the ceremony. Finally it comes to the part with the vows. Zayn and I had decided to write our own.
Zayn looks me in the eyes and begins. "Da'Cia, What we have it something special that no one probably always gets but us. The first night I saw you I couldn't keep you out of my mind." Zayn says before he says anything else someone says "You think?" Zayn rolls his eyes. "That was our first night together. I didn't see you after that until you were 16 weeks along but during that time I talked about you. I said how I would have loved for something to have become of us. When I saw you when you were 16 weeks along I couldn't believe it and I was jealous at first because I thought you were having someone else's baby. What I didn't know at first was there were two more. I asked you to keep me in their lives and you went on tour with me when I asked. We started falling for each other and I already loved our unborn babies. I fell in love with the woman of my dream and she fell for me. We are young and some people probably think we're dumb to, but we're not they just don't understand us. I guess what I'm saying is that even though no one thought we'd make it we have and I love you and I can't be happier and i'd die for you, Kaylen and Kellan any day."
I'm smiling and have tears running down my face. Thank you water proof make up. I calm myself before starting. "Zayn, Before I met you I had the biggest crush on you like most Directioner's do. I never thought in a million years I would. The night we met I was so happy and excited and I couldn't believe it when you started flirting I thought I'd pass out then. Some thing amazing happened that night and eight and a half months later.. and 24 excruciating hours later Kaylen and Kellan were born. The two most beautiful babies. In that time I fell in love with you and not just the thought of you but, everything. When you proposed I thought I was going to die from happiness and was surprised when I didn't. When I first decided to go on tour with you someone told us that our life wasn't a fairy tale and to stop acting like it was.. but we showed them and look where we are now. Yes, we are young and we have babies but we also have each other. I love you and them more than anything. Zayn I love you and can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together." I say tears running down my face still. Zayn smiles and takes his thumb and wipes the tears off my face.
The preacher then finishes up the ceremony. Finally he says "You may now kiss your bride!" I smile. Zayn leans in taking my face in his hand and kisses me. Our lips move together and he brings me closer. I hear some whistling and I smile into the kiss. All of a sudden I hear "Crap.. Da'Cia.. my water just broke." I jump back from Zayn. I turn and look at Kendra. "What!" I say. She nods. I look at her and just then a contraction hits and she balls up her fists. I look at Niall and Zayn then around. "Um, I'm sorry.. But, the baby is coming.. So.. feel free to enjoy everything but, I have to go." Harry runs and says "I'm getting a car." I nod. Niall is by us a second later. Everyone is murmuring. I look at Zayn's mom and she nods meaning go, she'll watch the babies. A few minutes later all of us are headed to the hospital.
Kendra is in labor for 4 hours before it's time to push. When it's time her mom, me, and Niall are in the room. Kendra screams and cuss's while she pushes. She squezzes Nialls hand but not way to hard. Finally 30 minutes later Connor James Horan is born. He's 8 pounds (Kendra's due date isn't for at least another 2.5 weeks) and he's 20 inches. 

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