Chapter: 3

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Jane's POV

So, today is  28th November and I am in front of Mr. Moody Lola's 'BIG MANSION'.  That dude is stinking rich. I opened the main gate which creaked and made me feel like I was in a horror movie.

The heroine enters the mansion. The frightful door closes as she enters which makes a sharp unbearable sound. She takes small steps towards the entry as sharp blows of wind pierce her skin like knives cutting her. She knocks the door which swiftly opens and welcomes her with utter darkness and dust coupled with big spiders crawling on thick webs. Suddenly....

"Aah", I jumped in fright.
"God! Your voice is gonna blast my eardrums".
I heard a husky voice which made me look down. I saw a pair of emerald eyes which grew darker and darker as I kept staring at them. I don't know what got into me but I kept gazing and getting lost like a total idiot. It seemed as if I was trying to read every single emotion hidden in every inch of his eyes.

" Jane!!" A high pitched voice brought me put of my trance.
" I..I am sorry", what the hell? Why am I stuttering. I need to come back into my form. This is not gonna work. But what if I started liking him. Damn! Did I just think about that.... His eyes are gorgeous. That's it! He could be wearing lenses. Yes! He's wearing lenses. I'm so stupid. No one can have so very beautiful eyes naturally. Shit! I called his eyes beautiful.... Actually lenses. Why am I so paranoid? Ughhh.....

" Ms. Quitter???"
"Yeah I'm fine let's go work on your legs"
I proceeded as harry followed me on his wheelchair. I could feel him smirking. Pig!

As I walked towards the hall I imagined how weird I would've looked  stooping down and stare him like a goofy idiot. That imagination made shrug my shoulders in disgust and mouth a 'yuck' .......

"I should've known that you zone out quite often." That same heavy voice ringed my ears. "And what does that has to do anything with you?, I retaliated. " Nothing....who knows you'll kill me in that trance of yours" he whispered to himself.

"Heard that!" I remarked sarcastically!
As he sat on his wheelchair I bent down and started moving his legs up and down...

"Feel anything?" I asked engrossed in my work.
"Nope" he said stressing on "P" .
"There's no point of doing this stupid exercise. I know its not gonna work" he continued!

"How can you heal if you don't have hope to?"I retorted
" Its not hope its science," he said
"Well, 50 percent hope and fifty percent science." I said in a low tone trying to concentrate on the exercise. This was followed by complete silence for few moments. I could hear drops of water pattering from the tap.... Tip.....tip....tip...

I decided to break the silence.

"Have you ever heard about Stephen Hawking?" I asked normally.

"Yeah the genius with motor neuron disease."

I was surprised that he actually knew that a person with that name existed. I didn't think he was into science....

"Surprised, eh?" He grinned...

Maybe my expression was clear.

"Science said he had two years and he lived like what, seventy two more"..." See that's what I'm talking bout " I continued.

"Its happiness! He had someone who loved him. He had three children and not to forget.... whole world adored him." He ranted.

"Its not happiness Harry" I said standing up," its your perspective of what you see of the things and people around you. Its your commitment and strength and patience that gets you on your feet. Not anyone else. You aren't doing a favor to me, your family, or anyone by sitting and mourning on this damn chair. If you wanna be fit and normal you'll have to struggle. You have to struggle for you. And please,no matter how much your life is messed up stop blaming it on others." I sighed deeply. I didn't know where those words came out but it felt good to tell the truth.
At the same time I felt guilty for almost shouting at Harry.

"That's easy for you to say." I turned around to see the snobby and rude man breaking down. "You have everything. A perfect education and a perfect job... And maybe a perfect boyfriend with a faithful dog... as it seems. You don't know what its like to feel alone even when you're surrounded by people." I could feel his cheeks heating up and anger boiling inside him. He shouted "You don't know anything so f**king back off!"

"I know what it fee-" he cut me off.

"You don't know anything!". His tone was very loud.

I instantly stepped back in horror.

He swallowed the knot rising in his throat ," You don't know me or what happened to me. You have no right to judge me or tell me what to do or what not to do". His tone was becoming higher and higher. I was scared. "You are asking a man to be 'hopeful' when all what he has is a cabinet full of unpaid bills, a lonely rotting house and two broken legs. Are you fucking sane? If all you can do is give me lecture on how life can be wonderful then you should go eff yourself. Life is not what you think."

" My life isn't perfect either,okay. Not everyone's is.. Don't think that only yours is screwed up. Everyone's is... But you know what the difference is, Harry Edward Styles?" I said pointing my finger towards him." The difference is that everyone doesn't quit."

" Few bumps don't make life imperfect"

I can't believe this guy is arguing me about how my life is perfect when he doesn't even know me.

" You call my life perfect?.... Is getting bullied every damn day of high school perfect? Is seeing your parents fight every damn day of your existence perfect? Is your family, your everything being snatched away from you perfect? " Tears wetted my face. I couldn't even see clearly.

Harry's POV

I didn't know where was that coming from. Did all this happened to her? I was shocked as she continued without taking a breath," Is getting gang raped by a bunch of drunk college dudes on your prom night perfect or the fact that your so called loving boyfriend left you instead of protecting you perfect!" Her tone was more than high. It was broken.....


A/n : What did just happen???... Bear with me the story is getting excited... Its my first book so please support me.

Thank you..xx

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