Chapter : 26

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A/n : Did you pronounce it????? Could you do it???

SOOOOO sorry for not updating for SOOOOO long


Chapter : 26

Harry's POV

She drove rashly to the nearby club, I guess. There was definitely something in her mind. I personally think she's on drugs or she is crazy.  Humour added. We got out and entered the club showing our identity proofs.

"Now what?" I finally spoke out as we made ourselves comfortable.

" I'm giving you a challenge," she grinned.

"Go ahead."

"It's a sort of competition. We'll just sit here and see how many times you and I get hit by random people. The more the merrier. And Styles, no cheating. We won't respond to the person hitting on us but our partner will try to shoo that person away. I mean if I get hit on, you'll respond. Get it?"  Her smirk was even wider.

" How do you come up with these things? But fine, I'm in," I returned the smirk.

" And, one more thing! If the person still continues to hit on you, then you score a point. The one with more points win,"

"You are a devil,"

"That's my specialty Haz..... It's almost ten thirty. We have time till one," she looked at the clock.

We ordered our moktails and sat three stools away from each other. Jane took off her jacket to reveal her stylish blouse.

"Hey! That's cheating," I snapped.

"I'm feeling hot, stupid!" She retorted. She had a point. We sat there silently for a couple of minutes till a blonde approached. As much as I want to refrain but she was hot.

"Hey, umm... actually my friend there, well, she bailed out on me. So can I have your company? You see, I don't like to be alone," she said squeezing my hand.


I was completely shocked when she kissed my cheek. The blonde left me in utter anger with her mouth agape as Dr. Wilson danced in victory.

" You know, people are looking at you," she instantly stopped.

" That was cheating," I retorted.

"No it wasn't. You see, I never made rules regarding the path you choose to shoo the cow," she grinned with shiny eyes.

"Shoo the cow?"

"It's a phrase dumbass," she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Fine smartass! But you're gonna pay for it. You'll taste your own medicine," I smiled evily.

"We'll see about that!" She retorted.

Few minutes later

"What a girl like you is doing here all alone?" I heard a voice which made me glance back. Yes, that's my que. Payback time Wilson.

"Crying over her dead aunt," I whispered enough for the voice to reach that guy and Jane. I wonder that the bartender must be enjoying this so much.

" Is it true?" He asked Jane whom I suspect mumbled a curse word for me and played along. "Well, I'm not exactly crying but you know we were really close. Humph... I guess I'll just get over it," she said sounding emotional.

She's a born actor. "I.. um I'm very sorry," said the poor sympathetic guy.

"Hey, don't get emotional over me. Go enjoy with your friends. I'll be just fine," she said fake ordering a vodka. Of course, the bartender overheard our entire plan. He just giggled and nodded.

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