Chapter : 39

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Dear Diary,

It is the most difficult job to express our emotions truthfully without moulding them out of insecurity or fears. It feels as if you've been exposed, as if you're not that strong anymore, as if you are vulnerable. What's buried deep inside one's heart is difficult to rejuvenate. It's like slitting on a wound scar just to know how it had happened.

I felt obliged on the realisation that he had exposed himself to me. Doubt and deceit bring out the worst in any living entity. And it had brought him to the worst conditions and made him stone cold. But now, I was content for the fact that the ice wall had melted down. I could see his injuries now, feel his pain...... I could help him now. The Sun burns itself to guide the world. I can burn now even though I know I won't survive like the Sun but I'm ready. Ready as ever... To get him on the right track.


Jane's POV

I sank into the sofa and mumbled," wow!" His sore eyes perked up a bit as I let out an exaggerated sigh. "That..... That was amazing," he raised a questioning brow towards me at the statement to which I plainly replied, "You two have gone through so much together. I.... I mean it's It's wow," I tried to explain myself but I guess I failed.

Third Person's POV

Harry could sense an unknown emotion in her eyes. It wasn't love, hate, jealously but a mixture of happiness and helplessness, the causes of which he completely understood.  He sipped some water and shifted a bit. "What happened to Calum?" She enquired with curiosity in her eyes. "Well, h - " he was cut off by his phone ringing. He reached out for it and answered and that's when Jane found the caller to be Emily.

He said a few yeses and told her that he was at your place and that he'll be back in twenty minutes which meant he had to leave now which made Jane sad. Nonetheless, she understood his priorities and decided to hold her peace. He smiled nervously , ending the call, feeling guilty of bailing out on her after showing up on her doorstep. But she pressed his hand reassuringly and got up to see him off.

"Harry?" She whispered, before closing the door and he hummed in reply. "Promise yourself something." And this had his stomach flipping in uneasiness. He wasn't sure what was about to come. But one thing he knew was the fact that whatever it was, it was going to be difficult. "She is the one. Promise yourself that you'll help her, make her remember everything and cherish her cause from where I see and from what I've heard today, you two deserve each other more than anything." He nodded and headed  off towards the elevator while she closed the door and sank to the floor, knowing that nothing could be done now. She had been proved wrong. Emily was always the one for him.


Days passed by and she didn't hear a word from Harry. She called him and his office a couple of times but he wasn't available. She had finally made up her mind to let him go while she was ready to move on. It was that one night, she sat on the couch of her living room, skipping channels on the T.V. when her eyes landed on Harry. She momentarily shocked to see him on T.V. but when the anchor reasoned his arrival, a small smile tugged on her face as she nibbled the popcorn and decided to watch the show.

Her phone rang a few minutes later. She picked up and heard the fimiliar panicky voice of the nurse. She told her that she'd be there in few minutes and gave her directions to get the O.T. prepared. Late night emergencies had become her dream. They are very good distractions.  She thought. It was a shooting case, an attempt to murder maybe. She had hardly come face to face with a criminal case. But there are always first times. She thought.

She reached into the hospital and changed into her scrubs while an intern told her the history of the patient. "Name? You always speak the name first," she glared at the intern whose hands were now trembling. " Emily Styles." The intern spoke nervously as her eyes perked up. She nodded slightly as an inner conflict had begun. What would have happened? Emily got shot?

She decided to let go off her worries and questions and save her life. The surgery, though was complicated, but was a success in the end. She came out of the operation theater when the sun had very well risen and the staff chatters filled the reception area. She decided the check on her other patients before leaving for home. By the time her post-ops were complete, Emily had gained her consciousness. She knocked and entered her room.

Her eyes looked frantic as if they were scanning all over the place for something. Or someone? Jane thought. "What happened Emily?" She jumped to the point a little worried about Harry. Old feelings die hard. She thought. "They.....they took him," and Mrs. Styles bursts out crying,"They took my Harry!" My Harry. The words echoed in Jane's mind repeatedly.

"Who took him?" She asked almost as frantic as Emily.  "The men. They work for Calum, my boss. I didn't know where to go. I got scared and...and ," she choked and added more to Jane's confusion. "You work for Calum!?" Jane exclaimed shocked at the revelation.

"You better sit down if you want to know the whole thing." Emily whispered just for Jane to hear. Jane summoned the nurse to wait outside and sat on the visitor's chair , next to the hospital bed where lay Emily. At this point, the post op and general questioning did not matter for her.

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