Chapter : 30

30 3 1

A/n : Song of the chapter - Army by Ellie Goulding or Hero by Enrique Iglesias


Harry's POV

She ignored my comment and continued. "They left me near a dumpster almost half naked, covered with bruises and blood and barely having any clothing on me. I felt ... I.. so exposed. Insecure. I wanted to kill myself." She wasn't crying like before but silent tears fell down occasionally. "I tried to get up while they were walking away but they saw me. They came back and started kicking me in the stomach."

" Alex found me in the morning."

With every word that came out of her mouth, I felt more and more helpless. I felt useless. I felt angry. I felt powerless.....

"I never told anyone about this but these secrets.... they hurt like hell. They have taken me away from me. I'm just a living entity, not a person. I want to become a person again. Not a rock," her exhausted eyes shed another stream of tears.

Jane's POV

"I need to confront them." Harry's eyes widened at this remark. He gave the situation a thought but said nothing. The lines on his forehead clearly indicated he wasn't in favour of this. " I need to close this chapter for once and all. I want to get over this. Please Harry," I pleaded. I don't know why I was doing this but I felt I needed his consent and support for this. I won't be able to do that alone.


"Two of them are here, in LA jail. The third one, Percy, is in London. I saw him on my birthday. He got out on parole cause he surrendered himself the next day," I explained wiping my tears.


"If that suits you. I mean I don't want to ruin your reunion with my mess. If you don't wanna come it'll be fine." I lied. I obviously needed him but I can't drag him in my shit. "No fucking way I'm leaving you alone." His grip tightened around me. "Thank you," I barely whispered before burying my face in his chest. It was getting cold now.

"I think we should go to the beach house," he murmured stroking my hair lightly in a soothing manner. "You'll catch cold," he completed. I nodded lightly as we stood up and he helped me climb down. The entire time while we walked back he held my hand. For the first time, I didn't mind anyone touching me.

For the first time I felt relieved. I felt like someone understands me and will be there for me always no matter what. I have tried so all these years to become strong and face my past myself but I failed miserably each time. We reached the main door of the house. It was locked. Harry took out the spare key from his pocket and unlocked it. It was quite dark inside. We made it inside our room. After changing, Harry took a pillow and a blanket and spoke out," Niall and Angelica are leaving to her mom's , so I'm going there. If you need anything...," He trailed off.

"Please don't leave."

Harry's POV

She looked vulnerable and weak for the first time I've met her. The Jane I used to know was the bravest of all. But today, I saw a totally different girl. I couldn't dream of a girl like her reviving from such a dark past. And all this time, she didn't give even a doubt of needing someone. I smiled and placed the pillow and blanket where they initially were. I half lied on the bed with my back against the headboard as she relaxed a bit. She seemed scared and now she felt safe.

I didn't know when I found myself drifting to sleep. Today was quite a hell of a day.


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