Minecraft Addiction

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(after the whole gaea deal)

(Percy's POV 3rd person)

Percy walked down the street. It was nearing Christmas and he still hadn't gotten Annabeth a gift. He knew she had gotten him something, but he had lied that he had gotten something for her, too. Now was his only chance to get something. He paced Walmart, and decided there would be something good there. He turned and went into the shop.

Percy wove through the racks in the clothes area, trying to get to the electronics. High-tec items were Annabeth's favorite. He got to the underwear section for girls... Eww! He kept walking to the back, where the electronics usually are. He finally made his way back there, and saw his number one favorite movie of all time ever. Finding Nemo. He excitedly speed walked over to it and picked it up. Blu-ray!!!! This is perfect! He was about to check it out until he realized what he came for. Annabeth's present. He resentfully put it down and went through the computers. Nothing in his price range, which was pretty low. She already has an xbox, he thought, why not get her games for that? He moved to the Xbox area. His attention was drawn to one game: Minecraft. "Oh my gosh..." he asked the people at the desk if he could see it, so they took it out and let him look at the back of the game. Create your own buildings? There were other things on it, but really, who has time to read it? You build things! Annabeth will love it! Percy went to pay for it. Then he went home and wrapped it up, putting it next to his present.

What if: Annabeth is addicted to Minecraft

~Christmas day~

(Annabeth's POV)

My dad dropped me off at the apartments that Percy lived in. He had said that I can come to his house for Christmas. I was happy that he invited me because my dad didn't have time to celebrate Christmas. We usually have hot chocolate and exchange gifts. I noticed that the area I was in was kinda deserted. Must be because of the presents. I smiled, thinking about the gift I got Percy. He'll love it! I walked up the stairs and came to their door. Knocking on the door, I here a loud crash. I bring my hand back and start to worry. What would that have been? I didn't have to worry long because Percy opened the door. "Hey Wise Girl!" He let me in. Their apartment was as cozy as ever. Sally was making blue cookies (a one of a kind) and the tree glimmered and sparkled under the weight of the ornaments. "You two can open up presents, if you'd like!" Sally said. I turned to Percy. He seemed to have just wake up. The crash had to have been him falling down. He seems to do that alot. "Seaweed brain," I nudged him. " Alrighty, mom." Percy said as he walked over to the tree. "I'm planing on spending my time at Camp-Halfblood, training demigods..." Percy explained. "I just need an okay from Chiron." I nodded. "That'll be great, but I think you might need some training yourself!" Percy rolled his eyes. "So do you!" I laughed. "Let's open the presents." I pick up the one he got me and sat down. He did the same. We looked at each other. "Ready, set.." I paused, hoping he'd catch on. I'm sure my smartness has wiped off on him. "Open!" he responds. We both opened our presents. Percy got his finished before mine, mainly because he ripped the wrapping paper to shreds. He gasped and I smiled. I got him a Blu-ray version of Finding Nemo and a plushie. I knew he would love it. I finished opening my present and found it was a, err, Minecraft game? "What's this, Percy?" Percy stopped hugging Nemo and looked at me. "Oh, that's a game for your Xbox 360. You build things." I looked back at it with a confused smile. Why would he get me something like this? I'm not one for video games... After that, Percy and I opened the rest of our presents, and I thanked Sally for getting me presents. She gave me a "Archeology Through the Ages" book. {HP reference} Percy got a very comforting blue pillow. After that Percy, Sally, and I ate. Then Percy an I went to his room and talked and such. (note:such)

~Athena Cabin~
This is after Christmas when she plays Minecraft.
(Annabeth's POV 3rd person)

Annabeth sighed and sat down on her bed. Percy and her had a lot of fun on Christmas. She kind o wanted to do it all over again... She shrugged off the feeling and turned on her Xbox 360. She was excited to find out what this game was. When she finally got it all set, she got to the home screen. "Woah..." she whispered. "Bad graphics..." She went onto the tutorial. She went through everything and found out that sand and gravel have the gravity effect! She made the miners shack right before nighttime. She sheared some sheep and got wood to make a bed as well. She was about to skip to dawn when something purple was to be seen out of her window. "What the..." she moved her character to the window and looked at it, then it looked back. Suddenly, it disappeared. She noticed what time it was, nighttime in real life. She sighed and got off. She'll figure it out tomorrow. She changed and got into the bed, turning off the light as she went. As usual, she had dreams. She had just finished building the Athen Cabin when it turned to nighttime. The place was in large pixels. She entered, and she looked out her window. Purple eyes shown off in the distance. She looked at the eyes and they looked at her. Then, they disappeared. Purple smoke floated in the area they were. Suddenly she heard a voice behind her. She turned around and saw a purple eyed Percy. At least she thought it was. She raised an eyebrow. "What??" She woke up and looked at the xbox. "I've gotta find out!" she said as she tumbled down to get the controller.

Hehee I had fun with this one. Hope you like it! It's longish! How did I did with the canons? Tell me if I need help!

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