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That book.

Has ruined me.


I mean, Rick, what happens to Leo? Does he see Jason or Piper or ANYONE in that matter? And is there any Percy babies? And WHAT ABOUT SOLANGELO OR WHAT EVER BECAUSE I am SerIOUsLY haVING ProbLEMs abOUT THIs!

And is it just me or does Nico become a more awesome character?

I am disappointed int the Perico interaction. Too easily resolved. Not enough info. You can't throw away feelings just like that, especially with Nico! Well... Who am I to be saying this? It's Rick character... (BUT I LUV HIM FIRST)

Anyways... I know I haven't wrote something about theories and demigods, so this chapter will be about theories and demigods.


Children hurt my ears ;~;

ANNABETH was home alone with her child. Percy was out with their son, chilling with the fish, as he did to calm his nerves, and that left Annabeth alone. All alone. With the devil of a child.

She was six years old, had dirty blonde hair, and dull green eyes. She was the cutest thing ever, and then the good things stopped. To Annabeth, she was bratty, selfish, cruel, and a snob, and Annabeth could hardly believe all the things that girl did to Annabeth. Oh, but to Percy, the evil thing was sweet, kind, and hangs out with him. Her name is Lucy Jackson, the witch.

Annabeth realizes that she isn't the nicest to Lucy either, but she can't help it when she is in the spur of the moment.

Lucy was sitting at the table, stubbornly staring at her broccoli with the angriest look on her face. Annabeth had just told her she couldn't play on the tablet until she ate her food. "It's not going to eat itself." Annabeth huffed.

"I know." Lucy muttered, half wishing it would have.

Annabeth leaned onto the table. "Listen, Lucy. I'm giving you one minute to eat this or else you won't have electronics for a month." She said, irritated. Lucy looked up at Annabeth, and tried for a pleading glance. Annabeth raised her eyebrow, and Lucy gritted her teeth.

"You can't just force me to do things I don't like, mom." Lucy said, standing up. "I live in America. It's a free country. So just stop." Lucy stormed off, and Annabeth shouted at her to come back.

Annabeth angrily found herself walking to Lucy's locked bedroom door, and pounding on it. "Lucy, open the dang door!!" Annabeth shouted, feeling frustrated.

"Why? Wanna stuff some more crape into my face?!" Lucy said back.

"I want to talk THROUGH this, Lucy! With you!"

"Our talks only consist of punishments and warnings." Lucy sounded irritated through the door. Inside, she was laying on her bed, fuming.

Annabeth shouted angrily, "Don't come out of that room until you feel as if you can FINALLY LISTEN TO ME!" She shouted, and then she stomped down the stairs and blinked. Did she just throw a fit??!

The door opened up and in came twelve year old Seth, dragging his feet. He seemed upset at whatever happened, and Percy followed behind, laughing hard. Annabeth crossed her arms. "Seth, can you go to your room for a bit? Your dad and I need to talk."

Seth looked at his mom, relieved. "It would be an honor." He said, and then hurried to his room. Seth was in a medieval phase at the moment, and Annabeth thought it was adorable. Percy found it annoying. Annabeth glared at Percy. "Look at the table, Perseus. What do you see?" She huffed.

Percy glanced and sighed, seeing the plate. He rubbed his face. "She didn't eat it, did she?" He asked. Annabeth shook her head. "You two got into a fight, and you need me to get through to her?" She nodded.

"Why won't she listen to me, Percy?" She asked, upset. "I have a headache from the yelling."

Percy laughed, then stifled it. "Ah, well, you have to understand why she won't listen before you can figure out how to make her." He said.

"Oh, look who's all smart now."

"It's about the only thing I could read in the parenting book." He said, shrugging.

Annabeth snorted. "Amazing you remembered it. And what happened with Seth?"

Percy grinned. "He's found himself a girl he likes, and guess what? It's Jason and Pipers daughter! I had no idea they were living near us!!" Annabeth nearly choked.

"That's not good." She blurted, and Percy narrowed his eyes. "If they live close to us, then monsters will be attracted, and you yourself said you wanted to live away from them. The gods have given us so much, we can't brake this barrier." She said, talking faster and faster as she went on. Percy realized what she was saying.

"We can't just move, Annabeth! You know how much the kids would hate it."

Annabeth looked up. Yeah, she did know how much they would hate it, but she also knew how deadly the place could be if they stayed. "You know they have some stuff from use, right? Seth, he is like you and so is Lucy."

Percy nodded. "And Lucy is like you, more than me." He said, correcting Annabeth. "Camp Half-Blood will always be open for them, but we need to make sure they understand before we send them off. Or do you think they should stay here?"

Annabeth shook her head. "I don't know. Fix Lucy before we talk anymore about this, though. She's probably about to explode."

Percy laughed. "Will do..."

TADAAAAAAAAA I enjoyed writing this, but it's a bit sloppy. Sorry for that. Hope you enjoyed and.... Until next time!

If I survive ;-;

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2014 ⏰

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