Episode 2 - An Unexpected Gift

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The next morning Orange stretched her arms above her head and her Eevee followed suit by standing up and putting its front paws in front and putting its rear end up in the air.

“Ready to start our adventure Vee?” the new trainer asked.

“Vee-vee!” it cried licking its trainer on her face. Its little tongue tickled her cheeks, Orange giggled and crawled out of bed. She took a shower and got dressed. She wore a long sleeved orange shirt with a black vest over it, a knee length black skirt with orange knee high socks and blank tennis shoes. She also wore a necklace with a mini Poké Ball on it and a cute black, beanie hat. Orange tied back her brown hair into two lower pony tails and grabbed her back pack. Her waterproof backpack was a deep black, had two straps, two large pockets, and several smaller pockets on the side and on the front. It had a flap that went over the top and covered the top of the bag clipped after the large pockets. It was decorated with all of her favorite Pokémon pins and keychains. It contained the bare minimums: a sleeping bag, cooking supplies, Pokémon chow, a few changes of clothes, her bathroom stuff, a map, a few Poké Balls and a few ingredients to cook with.

Eevee scratched on her bedroom door, obviously eager to leave.

“All right Vee I'm all ready.” The fox scampered around the room doing circles around its trainer. Orange opened the door and Vee sped out ahead of her. She left her tiny, one room house after she grabbed a doughnut and a bottle of water for breakfast. Munching she heard someone calling out her name from the side of her.

“Heyy! Oraange!” the almost out of breath voice shouted.

The female preteen turned around to greet the arriving friend.

“Where'd you get that Pokémon?” Red asked, slightly out of breath.

“Professor Oak gave it to me, isn't it cute? Her name is Vee!” she cheerily stated.

“Wow! So you finally got your first Pokémon? About time!” her cousin congratulated in between panting.

“Why are you so out of breath?” she asked.

“Poliwhirl and I are training,” he stated, now having caught his breath.

“Since when do you train?”

“Since now.”

“Alright you do that. I'm going to go travel the world now!” Orange said smiling and looking up at the wispy clouds.

“Yeah you do that,” Red said.

“Will do!” Orange said, “bye cos! See you later.”

After Red left she decided to visit her best friends, Crimson and Neon. Crimson is a very expressional ten year old girl who isn't afraid of speaking her mind. She can be cheery or she can be furious, it just depends on how she feels that day. She doesn't mind telling what's what to people, especially about her beliefs. Neon was the yin to her yang, he's twelve and very laid back and childish majority of the time. He loves spending time with her and is one of the few people to put up with her moods.

Orange knocked on Crimson's door. One knock, two knocks, and then her mother answered. Without even a word being said to her Crimson's mother went up stairs and dragged her daughter out of bed. Crimson was half asleep. Her shoulder length, slightly wavy hair was disheveled. Her red bangs weren't parted the way they usually were. She was in a baggy red t-shirt that came to her knees and black baggy pajama pants.

The bushed lass looked at her friend. Her eyes were almost completely shut and if she was awake she probably would have shouted at Orange but it came out a very weak, “what the hell are you doing here at this our?”

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