Episode 11 - Indigo?

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"Okay so that didn't work,” Orange said as she landed flat on the ground. Jigglypuff can't quite travel long distances while having a passenger. Who knew that would be so far from one side of Saffron to the other? Orange brushed herself off. She looked at her map, “so in order to get passed Saffron we could either go two different ways. Either go to Vermilion and then go East and then North to get to Lavender town. Then take the underground tunnel to Celadon City. Or we could go through Rock Tunnel.”

She paused momentarily, “we're definitely not going through a tunnel.”

And so they began their march. They went to Vermilion and stopped only to stay the night. Orange saw Red but only said hi. She was determined to get to Celadon City. She used Aria to drift passed the sleeping Snorlax and finally they reached Lavender Town.

“Eep!” Orange shrieked. “It's raining!” She looked around. Man this place is a ghost town. Hmm... Someone has to be at that big tower. She scampered into tower. Man this place is creepy.

“Where's all this fog coming from?” she said out loud. I don't like it in here. She heard a clanging sound. “Ah!” she screamed and fainted.

When she woke up Green was carrying her out of the tower. Was he slightly... smiling? “What happened?”

“Apparently you passed out,” he said his face going back to well... normal?

“Thank you for rescuing me,” she said sweetly.

“You're welcome,” he muttered and put her down outside the Pokémon Center.

“Don't push yourself so hard,” he said and walked away.

She checked into the Pokémon Center and some kids were telling her about the heroics of Green and Red. I'm falling farther and farther behind. I need to get better. One of the kids gave her a tour of the town. Orange entered the last stop of her tour Mr. Fuji's orphanage. Is that Indigo? Then she saw a Marowak. Without question, it is Indigo.

“Indigo,” she said tapping his shoulder.

“What?” he asked.

“Will you please train me?”






“Oh come on! I beg of you! Please train me!”

“No,” he asserted.

Orange pouted and looked around. She felt a tug on her skirt.

“Wow is that a Vulpix?” she asked and picked it up. The Vulpix stuck its tongue out and licked Orange's nose. “Come on please Indigo?”

“No,” he stated and left the building, his Marowak following behind him.

“Hey wait up!” she declared and put down the small fox. She ran and followed him. When he was in her sight she tackled him to the ground.

“Will you please train me,” she asked is a distressed manner. I have to get better. I have to get Liora back.

“If I do will you stop bothering me?” he asked, defeated.

“Of course!” she merrily said and got off of him.

He sighed. “My training won't be easy.”

“I don't care!” she firmly stated.

“Alright, alright. Meet me in one week at Rock Tunnel,” he stated and left.

“Yay! Now just to get to Celadon City!” she cheered and turned around.

“What are you doing here little Vulpix?” she asked and picked it up. “Shouldn't you be at Mr. Fuji's?”

The teenage girl took the beautiful, small fox Pokemon back to the orphanage. “Mr. Fuji it appears that this Vulpix followed me.”

“It seems to really have taken a liking to you. Vulpix usually doesn't trust anybody,” he said. “Young lady, would you like to take it with you? It could use a loving trainer.”

“Would I? Oh little Vulpix I can't wait to spend time with you!” she cheered. “You need a name... What about... Amani?”

“Vul... pix!” it agreed.

“Well Amani we need to get some rest! We have to head out in the morning,” Orange said grinning. Mr. Fuji gave Orange Amani's Poké Ball and wished them well. Then Orange returned the Pokémon Center and cuddled up with all her Pokémon. I'm going to need a bigger bed at this rate.

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