Episode 5 - First Battle

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“I guess,” the imperious boy accepted.

“Yay!” Orange exclaimed. She stood across from him by a few feet. Her green eyes analyzed her opponent. She stared at his shoes and then worked her way up, until her viridian eyes met his dark hues. They stared at each other for a minute. He looks so cute when he's calm... Wait... What am I thinking?! She shook her head. Those thoughts will only slow me down.

“We will only use one Pokémon each in this battle,” he stated after he lost eye contact with her and sent out his Charmeleon.

“Then I will choose...” she paused. “What are you doing Liora?”

Orange asked her Pokémon confusedly. “Do you want to battle?”

The Caterpie didn't answer, it just looked at the Charmeleon with spite. “Oh I get it, you want revenge on it for hurting you!”

Why should I stand in its way?

“Ha! A Pokémon trainer that can't even control her own Pokémon!” Green taunted. “What a joke.”

“Let's prove him wrong Liora,” Orange encouraged, glaring at Green. We can do it!

“I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. You can have the first attack,” he mocked.

“You'll regret that Green. Liora use String Shot and follow it up with a Tackle Attack,” she said.

Liora did what it was told. It wrapped up Charmeleon in its silky web and swiftly tackled it right on Charmeleon's noggin. Charmeleon gave a small grunt and scowled at the bug.

“Charmeleon get out of that mess and then use Ember,” Green commanded. A few seconds later the match was over. The fire lizard slashed his way through the sticky net and burned the poor bug.

“Liora!” Orange shouted and ran to her beloved Pokémon. “I need to get you to a Pokémon Center.”

“You should always carry a Potion with you,” the condescending young man said. He got one out and used it on the Caterpie.

“Thank you Green!” she shouted and tackled him. “You're the best!”

He began to sit up, and she hugged him really tight while she straddled him. He froze and sweat dropped. Was it bad that he was getting used to this? Orange's attention was taken away from him to her Caterpie. It was using string shot in the air and surrounded itself in a cocoon.

“What's happening to Liora?”

“It's evolving.”

Orange got out her Pokédex after Liora finished transforming. “Metapod: This Pokemon is vulnerable to attack while its shell is soft, exposing its weak and tender body. Hardens its shell to protect itself. However, a large impact may cause it to pop out of its shell.”

“That's so cool! Liora evolved!”

“Get off,” he demanded but before she could respond he shoved her off. He picked himself off and turned to leave.

“Wait,” she said and grabbed onto the leg of his black pants.

“What?” he asked pausing mid-step.

“Can I travel with you? At least through Mt. Moon?” she asked.

He turned around and looked down at her. She was sitting on her knees and looking up at him with the biggest set of puppy dog eyes. Sighing, he rolled his eyes. “Fine, but only until we get to the other side.”

“Yay!” she shouted and was about to tackle him.

“Don't even think about it,” he said and started walking.

“Aye, aye, sir!” she playfully said and followed him. Orange returned Liora to its Poké Ball and her other Pokémon following soon after. The young girl followed the boy down the beaten down path, a path that was made by so many other travelers before them. The leafy green trees covered up the sun that was beating down. She giggled and picked up her pace to catch up with him. They were going to Mt. Moon.

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