Episode 1 - I choose Vee!

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It has been years since I've walked down this path, sixteen year old Orange thought to herself. She had short, chin length ruddy brown hair that was tucked behind her ear and cheerful viridian green eyes. She took a breath of fresh air, her chest rose and fell. She felt relaxed here. It's been so long, I wonder where I should visit first. She fiddled with her radiant orange tank top. She wore black baggy cargo pants and carried her five tiny Poké Balls at her side. I wonder how he is, she thought to herself. It feels just like yesterday that I was walking to the Prof.'s lab. She stopped when she reached the white picket fence. Yeah, it feels just like that day, she thought looking up at the puffy clouds. Same old Jigglypuff and Clefairy. It feels like that's all I see up there.

“Hey Red!” an enthusiastic ten year old shouted at her cousin. She had wavy, ruddy brown hair that reached her mid back. It was pulled back into a single pony tail. Her nose length bangs swept in front of her face, surrounding her viridian green eyes. She wore a black, form fitting tank top and navy blue, knee-length shorts.

“What are you up to Orange?” the cheery lad asked. He wore a red baseball cap backwards, and his shaggy black hair was spiked out in the front and kept out of his bronze eyes. He also wore a black shirt that was tucked into his faded blue jeans and a red vest with white sleeves and collar.

“I was going to cause some mischief,” she said giggling. The boy sweat dropped at her answer.

“Can I see your Poliwhirl again Red?” she asked and before he could answer his Poliwhirl popped out of the ball.

“Poli,” it said and Orange tackled it.

“Hehe! You're so cute Poliwhirl!” the girl squealed and her cousin sweat dropped again. The blue frog with a white and black swirl on its stomach hugged her back.

“We have training to do,” Red said as he pulled his first Pokémon away from Orange's death grip.

“Alright then! When are we going swimming next?” the playful girl questioned.

“I don't know, some other time?” the exuberant young man said trying to escape.

“Later then,” Orange said waving at her cousin's retreating figure. She looked up at the sky and stared at the puffy clouds that hid the sun. Lets see, she thought, I see a Clefairy and a Jigglypuff. The adolescent shook her head and giggled to herself. It was mid summer and the middle of the day, but the clouds seemed to have absorbed the heat. She walked to the edge of Pallet Town. She breathed in the crisp, fresh air that can only be found there. After all it was the only place in the Kanto region that did not have any pollutants. When she arrived, she peered over the fence and at her favorite hang out, Professor Oak's Laboratory. Orange loved sneaking onto the property. Even though the Professor had a reputation for being cranky, he never called the police on her. Orange would play with the Pokémon in the back yard until she got caught by the Professor's grandson Green. It didn't matter to her though. She looked up to Green and loved it when he brought out his Charmander. Oh how she loved it! Orange is a Pokémon nut. She loves all Pokémon no matter what they look like. One time she was laying beneath a tree and looking up at the sky cuddling up to one of her favorite companions. Her small friend was an Eevee that always came up to her whenever she was there, it was one of the main reasons she kept sneaking in. She was having a great time just watching the clouds until she was almost barbequed by an Ember Attack. As close as the attacks always came they'd never hit her, Green made sure of that. After all, he trained his Charmander to attack with precision. The lass smiled to herself at the thought and hopped over the white picket fence.

“Vee!” a familiar voice shouted in happiness when she landed on the other side.

“Hey Vee! How are you?” Orange said to the tiny fox Pokémon. The Eevee came up and pawed at her legs until Orange bent down and petted it. The two partners in crime snuck up to the window of the house and peered in.

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