Episode 17 - Final Battle

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“It's hard to believe it has been six years since then... Alright Vee let's go,” Orange harshly whispered. They snuck over the fence of Professor Oak's Laboratory. It'd been a while since the incident at Silph Co. and Orange, once again, didn't receive any credit again for helping out. The two trouble makers looked in the window. “Let's see. Professor Oak is inside but where is Green?” Why am I starting to feel like this is slightly creepy?

“Looking for me?”

“Green!” she exclaimed and tackled him. He stumbled backward and fell down.

He smiled slightly and pushed his upper body up with his arms. Orange remained straddled on his hips. “I see you never change.”

She shook her head excitedly. “Nope.” The two made eye contact and Orange immediately shifted hers away. “Hey Green.”

“Yeah,” he said still looking up at her face.

“Can we have a battle?”

“I don't know...” he said pausing.

“Aw... why not?” she asked pouting. “I'll tell you a secret if you win.”

Hmmm, he thought. “Don't complain when I cream you.”

Orange grinned. “It's not going to be as easy as last time.” They decided the battlefield was going to be where they first met. Under the huge tree that Orange got stuck in and by the lake that she almost drowned in. So many fun memories, she thought.

Both Pokémon trainers released their Pokémon. Green sent out Charizard and Orange sent out Vee. “Lucky start,” Green smirked. “ But luck isn't going to win this match.”

“Who needs luck when you have Pokémon like mine?” she said, sticking out her tongue.

The cocky boy snorted. “Charizard,” he pointed up. “Take to the sky.”

“Vee go into the water,” she commanded. The fish did as it was told and completely disappeared into the water. “Nothing can find a Vaporeon in the water.”

“Then we'll just have to boil you're Vaporeon,” he stated, smirking. “Alright Charizard heat up the water!” The flying lizard shot a stream of flames at the lake. The only problem is that Vee wasn't the Pokémon to come out.

“Gyarados!” Orange shrieked. It's the same one. She thought as it glared at her. Make it go away! She screamed in her head. The memory of the last encounter flashed through her mind. How she climbed on the Gyarados to get Green's attention and it flung her off in its rage. She fell into the deepest part of the lake. So much water. The thought of drowning flooded her mind. The water, I can't breathe! She began to hyperventilate and passed out.

When she woke up she was in on a couch with a blanket over her.

“Are you feeling better?” Green asked.

“I guess. What happened?”

“You passed out when Gyarados appeared,” he stifled a laugh.

Orange blushed when she realized how close Green was. He was sitting on his knees, his head resting on his arms which were criss-crossed on the side of the couch. His face was inches away from hers and he was holding her hand, caressing the top of it gently with his thumb.

“So,” he paused. “The Pokémon rule book doesn't say what happens if a trainer faints instead of their Pokémon.”

“What's your point?” she asked.

“Does that mean I win?” he asked, his eyebrow raised and he slightly smirked.

“I guess.”


“So... what?”

“What's your secret?”

Orange blinked. Oh yeah. “I don't have one!” she exclaimed and rolled over to avoid his eye contact.

“You said you did,” he said and waited for a response. “Orange.”





“No.” Now I see why Indigo always got mad at me. She thought with a slight giggle.

“What's so funny?”


“Then tell me your secret.”


“Orange,” his voice got a little firmer.

“Fine,” she said defeated. She sat up and leaned over. She cupped his ear and whispered, “I like you... a lot.”

He smirked, “just a lot?”

She paused and her face flushed. “A bit more than a lot.”

“I knew it.”

“How'd you know?” she asked baffled.

“Because no girl can resist me.”

She blinked. “You wi-” She was cut off when his lips crashed into hers. It took a few seconds until she kissed back. He licked the bottom of her lip, begging for entrance. Not wanting to give in she sealed her lips shut. He bit down on it and she gasped, he slid his tongue in and slightly massaged her tongue. She slightly moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck. When she really got into it he unhooked her arms from around his neck and broke the kiss.

“See you around,” he said and strolled out of the room.

Orange just sat there dumbfounded. What just happened? She asked herself and touched her lips. Confused she gathered her stuff and went to look for him.


So it all comes to an end! :D Okay so my first Pokémon story wasn't as good as I planned. ;~; But! It was fun experimenting with different elements and it was really hard not to use information and details from events that hadn't even occured yet! This is based off of the first series of the manga and it was soo hard to refrain myself from using future characters and Pokémon. I hope anybody who reads this enjoyed it. I am, debating that is, to continue making Pokémon stories or not so let me know if I should okay ;)

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