Episode 4 - First Training Session

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Orange woke up the next morning and looked over to see Red snoring away. She quietly got up, made her bed, grabbed her stuff, and returned her Pokémon to their Poké Balls. She left the room, took a shower, and got dressed. She grabbed a bagel from a local shop and a bottle of water from a vending machine. She sat down on a city bench and fed her Pokemon. Pewter City began to bustle with activity. Should I take the gym challenge? I don't know... she thought to herself. Orange looked up from her Pokemon that she had been staring at and saw Green about ready to enter the gym in front of her.

“Green!” she shouted, trying to get his attention.

The cocksure boy turned and looked at her with an almost bored look on his face.

“What do you want Orange?” he asked semi-coldly.

“I wanted to show you my new Pokemon!” she replied joyfully.

The two just looked at each other in silence for a moment.

“Well?” he stated impatiently.

“Oh, she's right here. Her name is Amity,” Orange cheerily grinned and pointed at the tiny Poison Pokemon.

“Did you weaken it like I told you?”

“No...” she paused. “It wanted to be friends!”

“What kind of trainer are you?” he questioned, and slightly baffled from the sound of his voice.

“I don't have time for this. I have to get to my match.” He questioned himself, why do I even bother telling idiots how to be trainers? He turned and entered the gym without another word.

Hmm... a gym battle, she thought. “Return,” she said and put her Poké Balls in her vest pocket. She entered the gym and watched the battles. The whole place was filled with adrenaline. Wow, she thought, looking at all these trainers. There were all types there, Fire, Water, Psychic, and Fighting .She watched quite a few battles but left shortly after she arrived. I don't think I'd be able to get a gym badge anyway. Maybe after we've trained some. She decided to leave Pewter and headed toward Mt. Moon. She let Vee, Amity, and Liora out of their balls. “Let's do some training!”

After about an hour of training the four were wore out. Vee learned how to use Quick Attack. Amity learned Double Kick and Liora began to be able to withstand physical attacks.

“Jiggly jiggly!” a little pink blob said as it strolled into the view of the tuckered out companions. Orange leaned down to give Vee a snack, and the pink puff ball strolled up to Orange and snatched the snack and ate it. Vee was not happy at this and growled at the puff ball.

Orange flipped open her Pokédex, “Jigglypuff: It captivates foes with its huge, round eyes, then lulls them to sleep by singing a soothing melody.”

Vee continued to growl at the puff ball and the wild Jigglypuff didn't find it amusing. The pink balloon slapped Vee continuously.

Sassy, she thought, I like it. “Vee stand back, let Amity take over.”

The fox Pokémon reluctantly did as it was told while glaring at the balloon Pokémon. The small Nidoran took over. “Amity use Scratch! Then follow it up with Double Kick.”

Jigglypuff dodged the Scratch Attack but was hit by Double Kick.

“Jiggly...puff,” it shouted. While it was distracted, Orange threw a Poké Ball and caught it immediately.

“Yay! We have a new friend!” Orange said hugging her Eevee. She let her Jigglypuff out of its Poké Ball. Jigglypuff was furious and slapped Orange a few times. It then went to sulk. The novice trainer wasn't affected, she liked the spunky new Pokémon. “You need a name Jigglypuff... how about... Aria?”

Aria seemed to settle down after she got her name.

“I see something got through your head,” an arrogant voice said from behind her.

“What are you doing here Green?” Orange asked.

“I just got my first badge,” he said all high and mighty. “I'm heading to Cerulean to get my second.”

“I figured you would get it,” Orange said smiling.

“You figured?” he said offendedly.

“Yeah, I figured you would get it,” she replied. Her viridian eyes meeting his dark ones.

“You should have known,” he stated and looked away. He took a few steps to leave.

“Green!” she raised her voice to get his attention.

“What?” he snapped.

“Can we have a battle?” she asked playfully.

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