Cookies save the day

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Whoa some serious stuff went down before! Jeez I can't believe it Chris and Alice. What about Alice's gf or K. Anyways later chapters but for now I have to finish this sleepover.

Chapter 5: Cookie saves the day

Alice's POV

I can't believe what just happened. I didn't even know who I was anymore. Who knows what I might have done before the timer went off. Ugh! I don't even wanna think about. What's wrong with me?! I can't like guys. This could ruin everything. The big question though is , why did I like it?

I have a girlfriend and what about K. OH MY BABY NUTELLA JESUS!!! What was I gonna tell K. Should I just walk up to him ,and say "hey K, remember that guy Chris you like see here's the thing. I like him, I'm hetero or bi, and we kissed. Byeeeee now!" Fuck! I'm so screwed. I'm just so baffled and scared. I'm confused with everything. I feel an arm snake around my waist, a body lean against, butterflies ,and someone whispering, "we better get the cookies out."

My fuck goodness the cookies. Thank you cookies for saving me. I jumped up, rushed down ,and don't dare to turn my head around. I need to hurry and save the cookies this time. And what do ya know I got there just in time. Phew, at least one thing is going my way.

I walk to me fridge and grab me some milk. I can not have cookies without my fuckin milk. That's just plain shit weird. Then I heard heavy footsteps come down the stairs. Jeez, I almost forgot about all that jazz that happened upstairs. I'm still freaking out, or I'm just over thinking it. As soon as I meet eyes with Skye ,I couldn't hold it, I blurted out, "Do you like girls? Are you a breeder?" He turned around looking at me like I grew 7 heads.

He sighs," Yes. I do. I like girls. I am heterosexual. Please don't tell anyone." He pauses, "Do you like guys, Alice?" I was baffled. Did I like guys? What I felt when he kissed me, I never felt before in my life. Then I remembered.


I couldn't wait to go to my uncle's wedding and be the flower girl. He finally met a nice guy ,and his wedding was on the day of my 7th birthday. A ahh! I thought that was really cool.

I see my mom's car pull up to the church, and I am all dolled up. It is currently an hour before the wedding. I ran to Ron, my uncle, to give him a hug and to say congratulation on meeting Steve. After that he told me to go in the back with Steve ,so I can walk down the aisle. Everything was so beautiful and well put together. I made me want a wedding, but of course not right now. I'm only 7.

I started to walk down the aisle. When I finally got up there I stood my Steve's side sorta. Actually I was by his side after 3 other people. Anyways they started to say they're vows as I caught a glimpse of the ring barer. I knew he was a boy ,but I found myself attracted to him. I had these weird tingles in body. The thought of him was scary ,so I did the reasonable, logical thing; I pushed that feeling down.

----------END OF FLASHBACK---------

Those feelings that I pushed away started to resurface, and every thought possible ran through my mind. I felt the threat of tears and I tried to blink them back ,but I couldn't hold it much longer. I started to softly cry with a phew sniffles here and there. I look up at Skye and opened my mouth," I don't know. I have no FUCKING clue if I like guys! I think I do ,but I'm scared. I-I do-don't kn-know what to do." Chris walks up to me and embraces me in a comforting hug.

"It's okay Alice. It's okay if you like guys. Other people go through this. Even though this is not normal, I wouldn't change for the world." He sighs ;then lifts up my chin and looks me in the eye. "Do you like me?"

I paused and thought about long and hard ," Chris, I am new to these feelings ,but yes I do like you." He gives me a huge smile and holds on to me tighter. I pull back to look I up at his face. "Lets eat some cookies now." I say giving him a quick peck on his cheek.

Chris's POV

Here I am eating cookies with an amazing girl I found. I couldn't believe she likes me. It's hard to find people that are like me. Also I get how she feels being scared. When I first found out I wasn't "normal", I was terrified. That's why I'm gonna take it slow with Alice. I glance over at her to see her shove a whole cookie in her mouth. I started to laugh. "Here you got a little something right there." I say wiping crumbs off her face. "Thanks." She replies blushing. Oh her blush was super adorable. I just wanted to kiss her again ,but I knew I had to control myself.

" when did you know that.... liked girls?" She squeaks out. I smirk at her.

"Well you see little one. I knew I was never interested In guys, but I did try to be. Though I failed I saw girls in a different light. Your kind is so gentle and soft and fragile that I was attracted to them. So I was 10 when I finally realized who I was. What about you."

Alice pauses to rummage her answer ,"Well at my uncle's wedding sorta. I was 7 and the ring barer gave me a tingle and I knew I was different ,but I pushed that feeling away. I was never attracted to girls really either ,but I never really liked guys as well. So to try to repress this feeling away I got a girlfriend. I thought I was now normal ,but we never did anything. I haven't even kissed Mya. Then I met you", she pokes my stomach," and now I know."

Wow, I was the reason that my Alice realize who she was. I couldn't help but smile and she smiled too. I glance at her hand and take it in mine. She looks down and smiles and squeezes it tighter. Now she's blushing into a beautiful shade of red. I never wanted to let go.

I saw something cross her face and I got worried. "Hey you okay?" I asked

"Y-ya I'm just thinking about K and Mya. Also if I'm ever gonna tell anyone. I just don't know what to do...." She trails off. I could tell she was willing to try but so scared at the same time. She reminded me of a little girl, so sweet and innocent. I couldn't help but fall for this girl even more.

I squeezed her hand even tighter and looked her in the eye,"How about we date ,but you still date Mya so we don't draw attention to us. Also we can have other sleepovers if ya like? It may be the best we got because Alice I don't want to let you go."

I waited for her to answer me.

"Yes Chris. I want to date you. I don't want to let you go either. I love the plan." a smile is exploding on her face. I pull her into a hug ,and she giggles. Aww she's so cute! I look down at her to see her face crimson.

"You know you're adorable when ever you blush." I complimented her which caused her to blush more. She looks up at me. I was enchanted by her big malachite eyes. She starts to lean towards me and whispers," I can see it in your face. You think think I'm hot."

"Sweetheart you're hot, amazing, sexy ,and beautiful", I whisper back ,and I could feel her shiver when my breath landed on her face/neck.

She kisses me cheek then my mouth. I didn't deepen the kiss ,but it was filled with passion. She whispers in my ear again, " It's tomorrow time ,so I'm sleepy. Lets go to my room so we can sleep."

I didn't argue and went upstairs. She jumps in bed and pats the spot next to her inviting me. Ugh! this girl did not know what she was doing to me. I ran and jumped causing her to bounce. I get myself all cozy while she snuggles up to me.

I kiss her on the head, "night sweetheart. Sweet dreams."

"Sweet dreams to you as well." She whispers drifting off to sleep. I pulled her closer to me.

For once ,in a long time, I felt complete, and I won't screw this one up.


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OOOOH!!!!!! What does Chris mean by " I won't screw this one up"? Does he have a past or something? Hmmm! maybe!? I really hope things are gonna work out. HA! have you ever heard of a book having a smooth ride? Ya I didn't think so either! I am loving this book so for and I hope you guys love it too!

TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THIS AND FOLLOW ME!!! I NEED POPULARITY! okay maybe not but hey I'm new so I think I'm having a good start. Anyways I'll try to add new chapters as soon as I can!

I got school and stuff guys okay sympathize. BYEEEE LOVE YOU!

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