Just friends

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Alice's POV

Chapter 1: just friends

I can't believe summer is already over and I'm in this hell hole. School has always been a downer to me. Sure it had its ups to it ,but it sucks ass 98% of the time. I just wanna go back to the pool with my girlfriend and have fun.

BRINNNNG!!! Fuck you too, bell. Making loose my train of thought.

"Hey" I hear a voice behind me. I swished my head back to find my best friend Kaleb behind me.

"Hey K. How was you summer?"

"Same old same old. Got stuck with my grandparents in California ,and it was awful!"

"Why? you got to go somewhere. Unlike little miss sunshine over here"

I shoved him as we walk to our class. As he was about to answer, we arrived and had to hurry to find seats next to each other.

"Welcome back students. I hope you have had a great summer", our overly excited teacher screeched out. Ugh, I hated the teachers who were so happy to be back when everyone knows that they hated us.

"So" ,K interrupted my thoughts, "how was summer with your girlfriend?"

"Oh....nothing freaky shit went down if that's what you're wondering", i see his smile fade. My god he was hoping I did some freaky stuff over summer.

"You sicko",I whisper to him.

"Well you love my perverted mind"

"Shut up."

"I'm not hearing a no." I couldn't help but snicker ,and maybe it was true. I wiggle my eyebrows to let him know he was right. (we have this weird body language shit we invented between us) He wanted to laugh so bad ,but choked on it instead.

"Miss Smith and Mr. Martins! Care to share with the class what's so funny?" Ms. Peters yells out at us. I looked over a K to see his face turn 20 shades of red.

"There's nothing to share Ms. Peters." I calmly say.

I hear her grump and turn back to the board. I look down to see a note from K:

Have you heard?

About what?

I'll take that as a no.

So tell me you butt!

Okay okay. There's a new guy as I mean a new guy as in new to the state! I heard he's super hot!

Whoa calm down there. ;D That's really cool. Do you know his name?

Ya it's Chris! Oh even his name is cute

Wow K we should befriend this new kid.

Agreed! Oh I can't wait!

I look up to see a smiley, goofy guy next to me. Oh K, crushing on a guy before even seeing him.


Time flies quick when you have all your classes with your best friend. It's already lunch ,and K and I are scavenging for this new kid. It didn't take long to spot him. He was surrounded by everybody, poor guy. He looked so unhappy and awkward in that crowd. I couldn't help but feel bad, so I decided to rescue him.

"Everybody back the fuck up! Now! You're crowding Chris ,and that is not a good first impression!" I yelled, pushing everyone out of the way "Now shoo!"

I look over to Skye to see if he's okay. "You okay?"

"Ya I just don't really like crowds so much."

"Ya i could tell."

"Thank you so much umm"

"Alice" i finished for him "and you can repay me by sitting with me at lunch."

"Ya sure. It's the least I could do" he blushed.


Lunch was a lot of fun with Chris. He was hilarious with his vulgar humor, which K loves. I might just make him my new friend. Okay, I will not maybe.

Before we head to home, I stop Chris "So you wanna be friends?"

"What are you 5?" he playfully said "you don't have to ask cause we are."

"Shut up you." I smacked his chest, "Soo...... since we're friends you wanna come over this weekend and we could have a sleepover? If ya like?" I saw we was over thinking it because he took a long time to answer.

Just before he he was gonna pull out of the parking lot he said ,"I'd love to."


"Mom! I'm home!" I yelled heading towards the fridge getting something

to snack on.

"Oh dear, how was your first day at school?" My mom asked as she walked in the kitchen.

"It was good. I actually made a new friend."

"Really? oh I'm so proud if you."

"Thanks mom" I rolled my eyes "I was wondering if my friend ,Chris , could come over this weekend and spend the night?" I saw my mom's face scurrying with thoughts with her lips scrunched up. "Oh honey, I don't think it's a good idea to have a girl over." She finally broke the silence, "I just don't feel comfortable about it."

"Mom" I wailed , "Chris isn't a girl. He's a boy ,and don't worry I'm not hetero because I have a girlfriend ,and to let K spent the night many of times before." My started to ponder on this and after a thousand pleases she have in. Before she left the kitchen, I told her, "Don't worry mom. We're just friends."

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