How bout Doubles? How bout no.

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Uhhhhh soo much stuff NOT ENOUGH SPACE AHAHAHAHA yaaa I'm silly ,but seriously a lot

Of shit is going. Enjoy ❤<3 :D

(I hope!)

Chapter 8: How bout Doubles? How bout No.

K's POV:

I pull up to the school's parking lot In my black Bug. I look to my right and a jeep pulls up. Is there a new girl here was my first though ,but then I see Alice jump out with Chris? Wait what? Alice excepted a ride offer, that doesn't really seem like her. Something has to be going on, or maybe I'm just over thinking it. I don't know, I think I am over thinking it.

"Hey guys!" I yelled to them. My god,Chris was so hot today. I've been wanting to ask him a question for awhile but then i don't know honestly. Wait what am I talking bout, man I'm just drifting off.

"Hey K!" Alice comes over to hug me, " how's it going?"

"It's going good," a familiar voice calls out from behind. I turn to see Mya behind me.

"Hey girl! How was Jamaica for the last part of summer. I want all of the details!" I shouted while squeezing the life out of her. i turned to see Alice filled with happines ,but I was surprised to see her so shocked. You would think Alice would be so thrilled to see her girlfriend back.

"What's a matter Alice? Surprised to see Mya back." I teased

"No it's just I almost forgot that she was in Jamaica." she carefully chose her words.

"Alice!", Mya's voice shrilled, " how could you forget about your loving girlfriend?" Mya added her puppydog eyes. I took a note of Alice's expression that she was carefully choosing her words ,and was trying to not let any emotion leak out. Of course i knew she had fear because well, i am her BFF.

"Mya! HOw could she forget about you!", i emphasized on the you, " Well anyways, this is Chris ,and he's brand new. how exciting is that!" Mya gave me a confused look ,knowing i don't take liking to new people oh so easily, then her face became filled with joy as she put the pieces together. She then grabbed a hold of Alice's hand, so sweet i know. i laughed at my retarted, beloved friends as they skipped down the hall singing. Aw, young love. i look to Chris ,and to my surprise he almost looked jealous; that was gone in a meer second. What the fuck was going on with that boy?, I thought. I'm probably just overthinking it again ,but I have a weird feeling in my gut.

"So Chris, how was your sleepover with Alice?" I broke the silence breaking him from his trance.

" Oh it was fun. Alice is really fun to hang out." he said nonchalantly.

" I know that's why i love her like a lil' sis." I said in my head though ,'It's ashame though what's she's been through '

" Been through what ?" Chris looked very concerned now.

"Shit! I didn't mean to say that out loud. Look ,Chris , this isn't my story to tell , but don't pry on Alice either. Please?" i begged.

"Okay", he sighs, " I won't,"

" Oh thank you. tahnkyou! thankyou!" I gave him a bone crushing hug. Realizing i just hugged my crush, a blush crept up my neck.

"Well i gotta head to class. I'm already late." i shyly say while the bell rang. I ran away my heart beating ,threatening to bang out of my chest. Breathe K, I tell myself. I'm probably like some creep, aren't I?

I look for my set next to Alice as usaul. I skipped over ,like the weirdo that I am, to alice.

"NIce moves you got there. Ya pussy!" Alice shouts.

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