Chapter 2

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Boys are stupid, Spencer concluded in her head, so very stupid.

Spencer went to go have some fun before Peter came back and the next thing she knew Thomas was trying to hit Henry with a wooden sword. She glared at Thomas as she made her way through the crowd of boys. The smarter boys moved out of her way and the unfortunate ones were pushed to the ground. Spencer could see that Henry was fighting back, but he was struggling. With fire in her eyes, she was ready to yell at Thomas, but an arm stopped her from getting any closer. Peter put his arm down and walked towards the fight.

Peter smirked, "This is fun, but wouldn't this be better if we had some real swords."

The lost boys nodded in agreement and Spencer looked at Henry with concern. She could blatantly see the hesitation in his eyes.

Henry replied with a shaky voice, "I've never fought with a real sword before.

Peter played Henry easily and soon a real sword was in his hands. Spencer was shocked by the sight. She knew Neverland had magical powers, but she had never seen them herself. Peter shouted, "What are you waiting for? Fight!"

The other lost boys joined in and Spencer yelled out, "Beat him up, Henry!" She wanted Henry to win so he could prove that he belonged in Neverland as much as the other lost boys. That's all Henry needed and Spencer watched as he struck Thomas with his sword. 

Henry quickly dropped the sword as soon as he saw blood and stuttered, "I'm so-"

Spencer anticipated his response and quickly butted in, "Don't apologize. Thomas got what he deserved, he shouldn't have hit you in the first place."

Peter crossed his arms and reinforce her statement, "Spencer right Henry. The best part about being a lost boy is we never apologize."

As the lost boys cheered for Henry, Spencer couldn't help but look at Thomas beaten form. Spencer bitterly thought in her head, Why do I care so much? She remembers when Thomas came to Neverland. It was around 5 years ago, he was so excited and he claimed to be so happy to get away from his three spoiled sisters. He even said his parents were horrible people. Thomas claimed to be happy, but on the third night while everyone was asleep she woke up to hear Thomas crying. He cried like the other children for their parents.

Spencer could never grasp the fact why some boys wanted to come to Neverland. Boys like Thomas seem to have everything and once they realized their mistake they cried at night as if their parents could hear them. Spencer knew Thomas was jealous of Henry so he just wanted to hurt Henry liked how he had been hurt.

Spencer looked back at Henry as the other boys challenged him to do other things with them. While she was looking at Henry, she also noticed Thomas walked into the forest alone. Spencer concluded that Henry would be fine by himself and quickly followed Thomas.


Spencer had her hood over her head and an arrow ready to be fired. She had lost Thomas and felt liked she was walking in circles looking for him. She heard some voices and she quietly tried to go the other way. Spencer did not want to lead the unwanted guest back to Henry. Just as she was in the clear, a twig snapped under her foot.

A voice yelled out, "Stop right there!"

Spencer quickly turned around and pointed an arrow at the voice. Two men stood in front of her and she couldn't believe what she saw.


Hook grinned at her, "Darling could you d-"

Spencer didn't let him finished his sentence and let go of the arrow in her hand. Hook quickly dodged the arrow while the other man tackled her to the ground.

She yelled, "Let me go!" and tried to push the man off her. David pulled down her hood and the feeling of Déjà vu washed over him.

He managed to gasp out, "You're a girl."

Spencer froze at the words and snapped, "Are all men blind?!"

Hook finally recovered from Spencer's attack and said, "David it's fine, the girl means no harm."

David looked at him with wide eyes, "She tried to kill you."

Spencer yelled out, "For a good reason!" She then turned to Hook, "Hey Captain Pee Brain, do I still look like a boy to you?"

A look of embarrassment crossed the pirate's face, but he quickly said, "Who in the bloody hell names a girl Spencer!"

"A lot of people!"

David put his hands up and said softly, "Let's all calm down and talk about what's going on here."

Spencer was tried and just wanted to look for Thomas, "I'm out of here. I hope Peter makes you pay for whatever you've done!"

She started walking away when Hook called out, "Spencer I'm sorry for what I did in the past, but I need your help."

Spencer rolled her eyes and sassed back, "And why would I help you?"

"Because you're a good person and deep down I know you hate doing what Pan says."

She glared at Hook and snapped, "Peter has given me everything I ever wanted"

Hook pushed and said, "Two moms are on this Island looking for their boy-"

"His mother abandoned him the minute he was born! I'm doing Henry a favor."

The man standing by Hook's side argued back, "She was giving him his best chance."

Spencer rolled her eyes. "Who even are you?"

"This is Henry's Grandfather." Hook almost gave her, what she thought to be a pleading look. "Don't you see Spencer? His family is here for him, they want him, they love him so please help us!"

A lifetime ago when Spencer was trapped in group homes, she would kneel by her bedside pleading to some deity to send someone, anyone to bring her home. They would pull her into a hug and tell her what a horrible mistake this was and that she didn't belong there. 

It's not fair. She bit her lip as tears filled her eyes. It's not fair. 

Henry was no lost boy, he didn't belong to Neverland. Spencer sighed in defeat. Since the first day they had met, Hook had always managed to persuade her to do things she never thought she would do. He knew she cared about all the lost boys on the island and was now using it against her. Spencer cared about the lost boys even more than Neverland.

"Fine I'll help, but you have to deal with Peter."


Spencer learned the man by Hoo's side was named David. He lead them to the campsite while Hook and Spencer walked behind him.

Spencer quietly hissed, "This doesn't mean I forgive you!"

Hook nodded, "I know"

Spencer heard David say, "It's just us." and hid behind Hook. Spencer hated the pirate, but she hated strangers even more. She turned her head in disgust as she watched David run up to a woman and began to kiss her. David then looked at the three women and announced, "Hook saved me."

Spencer didn't listen to the rest of the story all she could do was look at Hook's back in shock. Hook saved someone?! Maybe he's changed, it has been a while since I've last seen him. The girl quickly shook her head in denial. No, Spencer! Don't fall for his traps again.

The woman with medium-length dark brown hair questioned, "Hook who's behind you?"

Spencer finally revealed herself to the women and watched as two of them point their weapons at her. Hook quickly held up his hands and said, "Wow hold on! The girl's with us."

Spencer noticed the girl with blonde hair had a pale look on her face.


Spencer was shocked. How does she know my name?! This is just like the situation when two boys gave me the book Pan. Instead of answering back the girl hissed, "Who are you?"

Spencer was surprised when the girl smiled softly. "I'm Emma."

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