Chapter 3

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A/N: Words that are Italicised and Bolded are Spencer's memories.

Words that are just Italicized are Spencer's thoughts.


Spencer burst out laughing, Emma in Neverland. She let out a snort. What a joke.

It took Spencer a while to actually remember a time when Emma believed in fairy tales. The two girls had to be the age of four when Emma was obsessed with Snow White. It was after the Swans had given them away when Emma had a strange dream. Emma had told Spencer she had a dream where Snow White and Prince Charming were their parents and a man with snake-like skin had kidnapped them. When they got older and Spencer mention the dream to Emma, Emma looked at her weirdly and said she never had a dream liked that.

Spencer gasped for air and she quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, but the Emma I know wold never be in Neverland. She always told me fairy tales weren't real."

The woman looked down in shame and quietly said, "We'll meet under the peach tree in Garrison Park and we'll run away together." She let out a sigh, " I told you this before I ran away from the orphanage without you."

Spencer's eyes widen in shock. She couldn't have made that up, it's really Emma. She looked at Emma and slowly began to see her when she was 11 years old. Emma has grown so much and I've stayed the same girl from back then...What do I say to her?

The woman with short black hair stepped forward and asked, "Emma, who is this?"

Spencer looked Emma and when she saw her hesitation she felt a spark of anger in her chest. Spencer decided to speak for herself, "I'm Emma twin sister, Spencer. Who are you?"

The woman's jaw dropped and everyone seemed shocked with Spencer's announcement.

Hook was the first to recover and he said, "Well uh, this is Regina."

The woman had mocha brown eyes and was looking at Spencer as if she had grown two heads.

Hook turned to the other woman, "The women next to David is Mary Margret."

An awkward silence filled the air and Emma turned to Spencer, "How are you here? Why are you still 12 years old?"

"Well look what we have here, looks like there are two family reunions in Neverland."

Spencer felt a shiver run up her spine when she recognized the voice, "Peter I-"

Peter narrowed his eyes at Spencer, "I'm quite disappointed in you Spencer, I expected more from you."

Emma became mortified, "You're with him?!"

"Did you really think you were the first lost girl?" Peter mocked them as he walked around them in a circle. He let out a laugh and smirked, "Who knew Emma Swan had a twin sister?"

Out of nowhere a ball of fire went hurling at Peter, but he quickly dodged it. Regina growled in anger, "Enough of your games Pan! Where is my son?!"

"As much as I like to play games I have something to tell you all." Peter dragged out the silence until he turned to Emma, "The father of your boy is alive. We kidnapped him from this very camp"

Emma stormed towards him with a sword pointed at his face, "You're lying."

Peter casually moved the sword and said,"I never lie, you can ask your sister and she'll confirm what I'm saying is true. Though, it seems she has a lying problem of her own."

He turned to Spence and glared, "Aren't I correct Spencer."

Spencer looked away from him, Please let this be some twisted dream.

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