Chapter 15

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"I cannot take this child anymore!"

The social worker raised his hands. "Ma'am, please reconsider what you are doing-"

"Look at her!" Spencer looked up from her book as her latest foster mother pointed at her. "So disconnected from reality. She spends all her time at the library, babbling on about how fairy tales are real!"

Spencer bit her tongue until she tasted blood. They don't understand, she thought in her head. They don't believe, but I know it's real.

It has to be real.

The woman began to sob. "I can't do this! That girl is insane! I've tried to get her help but she doesn't listen. She can't distinguish between fiction and reality. I even tried to throw away that damn book but it keeps coming back!"

Spencer's social worker looked at Spencer with tired eyes and sighed, "We will look for a new placement for her, in the meantime-"

"No." The woman threw the trash bag of Spencer's belongings at the man's feet. "She leaves today!"


Spencer never once considered the possibility that her parents would throw her out, but as David paces and Emma begins to scream it seems like reality.

You messed up Spencer, again.

Her fingers curled in and she bit her lip until she tasted copper.

What is that saying, blood is thicker than water? Does blood relation even matter? Spencer always thought it did, biological family can't throw you away. They can't throw me away.

(Emma did).

Spencer sat at the park bench even as the sun began to set and the stars rose in the night sky. She waited, and waited, and waited. Never did she think that her own twin sister would abandon her.

Oh, how naive am I to have not learned? Blood doesn't matter, it never did. The reasons behind the action did not soften the blow of how painful it was to realize Emma was not coming. Even now, after Emma's grand explanation, the resentment flares in her chest.

How could you leave me?

"Do you not understand how reckless you have been acting? You not only put yourself but Henry in such a dangerous position today."

Henry, tucked away sweetly in bed before Emma could start her screaming match. For he could not understand the weight of his actions, as they so kindly put it.

Spencer rolled her eyes. "He came with me on his own accord. I told him he could stay but he followed me."

Emma hissed, "He doesn't remember! People are disappearing around town and he doesn't understand the dangers but you do!"

Spencer stood chest to chest with Emma. She hated that even while standing up Emma was still towering her. Emma had always been the taller twin, but not like this and Spencer hated every bit of it.

Spencer spat back, "Then, tell him. He's 13, not stupid. He's going to realize something is off about this town and we were in no danger. I had everything under control."

Snow placed a hand on Emma's chest and gives her a look. "Go to bed. Your father and I can handle this."

Emma's jaw drops and Spencer also finds hers slowly dropping. Emma had always tried to parent Spencer. Even when they were younger, Emma was the once in charge. No one ever told Emma what to do.

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