Chapter 12

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Storybrooke,  Maine 2012

Spencer was awakened by the hushed voices of adults attempting to be quiet. Spencer rolled her eyes and crept out of bed. She peeked her head into one of the bedrooms to find Henry in the bed. Spencer backed away in shock and resisted the urge to touch Henry to make sure he was real. Instead, the girl tiptoed down the hallway and looked into the living room through the railings of the stairs.


Since Henry was asleep down the hall, it was no surprise Emma was here, but Hook? The pirate never liked to stay in one place for too long, Spencer strained forward trying to hear bits and pieces of the conversation when a voice spoke up, "I know you're there Spencer, come out from where you're hiding."

Everyone turned to Snow in surprise when Spencer walked down the stairs. They had no idea the girl was there and couldn't understand how Snow knew.

David sighed, "What are you doing up so late? You should be sleeping Spencer."

Spencer crossed her arms, "It's kind of hard to sleep when everyone around you is disappearing from plain sight. I want to know what's going on. I know how to fight."

Snow grabbed onto the back of Spencer's arm, "This isn't your fight Spencer, we need you to stay safe."

Spencer pulled away from Snow and quickly looked to Emma, "Tell them Emma, tell them I can help."

Emma scratched the back of her neck, "I think they're right."

Spencer confusion was evident on her face. Why can't I help? They let me help in Neverland. "Why are you taking their side? You're supposed to be on my side. You're supposed to be backing me up."

Emma rolls her eyes, "This isn't about sides Spencer. You can't remember what happened to you in the past year, this is serious-"

"Which is why you need me!"

"-We need you stay out of the way!"

"If you stayed out of my way, I would still be in Neverland!"

Everyone's eyes widen at the girls confession and even Spencer was a little taken back at how easily she let her mind slip up.

David quickly tried to defuse the situation, "It's late at night and everyone is on the edge. I think we should continue this conversation in the morning."

Spencer rolled her eyes, but nonetheless went up stairs to the room she was staying in. She hated not being apart of the conversation and she was starting to feel a little homesick. Spencer climbed into bed and fell into a dreamless sleep.


The next morning, one of Robin Hood's merry men went missing by the town's borderline and Emma called for a town meeting. Of course, Spencer was told to stay with Henry at Granny's dinner.

Spencer's curiosity got the better of her, "Is that a Gameboy?"

Henry was seated across from her playing a game and muttered intangible things under his breath. Without even looking from his game, Henry replied, "No, who plays with Gameboys anymore? Those things are ancient."

Spencer's cheeks blossomed red and she was suddenly embarrassed for not being caught up with the latest technology. Spencer huffed and she got up from the booth. She refused to sit here and be treated like some unintelligent adolescent.

"Where are you going?"
Henry was suddenly looking straight at her but Spencer continued to the door, "The library."

"We were told to stay here."

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