Chapter 8

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A/N: There will be some language in this chapter and by some I mean like two words. Anyway, enjoy the chapter.

Spencer hazily stared at the hot chocolate that was placed in front of her. Her head pounded and the dull ache reminded her of the lack of sleep she got the night before.

"Do you like it?", Emma frowned when her sister failed to answer her. Their parents were now looking at their youngest daughter with concern. Snow had found her this morning asleep in the closet rather than the bed.

Spencer yawned before answering, "It's good."

The girl had not even picked up the drink. Instead, she was focused on the book she hid in between the bed mattress. Spencer couldn't even sleep on the bed last night because of it. The book reappearances made her feel on edge and uneasy.

I don't understand! Why is it here?

She met her mother's eyes before looking away sharply.

I should have told them.

Spencer bit her lip before she could say anything. She didn't even tell her parents that she had explored the town the day before. Spencer smiled before taking a drink of the hot chocolate they put in front of her. I've solved many things on my own before. I don't need their help.

A gentle voice broke the silence, "Please talk to me. What's going on?"

Spencer looked towards her mother. David and Emma had left moments earlier and the two of them sat alone in the booth. Spencer avoided her mother's gaze and pretended to be interested in the people in the small dinner. Despite looking away, Spencer could feel Snow's concerning eyes on the back of her head and Spencer knew she wouldn't be quitting anytime soon.

"I-" What are you doing?! You can't tell her!

Snow took advantage of her hesitation and grabbed her hand from across the booth.

Spencer had been cornered, trapped into admitting something she didn't want to say, but she was ready to turn the tables.

"Why did you aban-", Spencer paused at the word abandoned. She had no intentions to hurt her mother, so she started once more, "Why did you give Emma and I up?"

Spencer bit the inside of her cheek to prevent her from saying more than she wanted. The girl could rattle off hundreds of questions to ask her mother instead, she would just allow this one slip.

Snow's face morphed in surprise as she realized what she had to do. Emma had read Henry's book so there was no need to explain it to her, but Spencer had no clue.

"It was my fault.", Snow admitted with tears, "It was all my fault."

Spencer felt her stomach drop. Of all the question I could ask to distract her with I choose this one?! Spencer wasn't ready to hear some tragic story, she had already heard too many in her short lifetime.

"The Evil Queen wanted revenge on me, so she planned to curse the kingdom to ruin everyone's happy ending. The Blue fairy found a magical tree and we made a wardrobe that could safely transport us to the world without magic. You and Emma were born before we could make it across so we sent the two of you through it so you escape the curse."

Snow paused and took a deep breath, "There was a prophecy saying that our baby would come back 28 years later to break the curse. We thought when Emma would come that you would come with her..."

Snow trailed off, so Spencer finished the sentence for her, "but I didn't."


A loud noise filled the air and caused the small dinner to shake. Before Spencer knew it, Snow had slipped into her side of the booth and hugged her protectively. The other people in the dinner were looking around trying to figure out where the noise came from when a gut wrenching screaming filled the air. Spencer's heart pounded excitedly in her chest. Action, I can handle it much better than emotions.

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