Chapter 13

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"My god. Did you know there's something called 'Cradle Cap'?"

Spencer sneered as Snow continued to ramble under her breath about a disgusting skin rash babies got on their head. Her mother obsessively continued to read a book one of her friends recommended and it became clear she wasn't going to put it down anytime soon.

On the other hand, Henry obsessively played on his game, not a Gameboy, and it remained in his hands as it was his final breath. Spencer leaned onto her elbow and peered over Henry's toy. She could not understand why he held onto the contraption so tightly and how he wasn't bored out his mind.

Spencer gagged as Snow read out another obscene fact from that horrid book and rolled her eyes at Henry, "Teach me how to play."

Distract me, please distract me.

Henry's eyes remained on the tiny screen, "Later."

Peter jabbed her into the chest, "Rule #3, we take what is our Spencer."

Something in Spencer cracked, she icily glared toward her mother and grinned when the baby book still absorbed all of Snow's attention. Her hand shot out and gripped onto Henry's collar before pulling him harshly in her direction. The game fell onto the table with a clank and Spencer gleefully watched the boy's eyes widen in fear.

"I said teach me how to play."

Tears blurred Spencer's vision as Peter forced her face first into the mud, "Get up! Grow a spine or you'll never be one of us!"

Something tiny yelled this was wrong, but Spencer easily squashed it down. This was something she learned in Neverland and she wasn't about to let it go. Before when she was weak, she allowed kids to taunt her, to push her around, to ignore her as she was nothing, but then she changed, and people respected her. The Lost Boys respected her and knew better than to defy her.


Peter's words shook her core and she lifted the whimpering boy with her left hand, the other fashioned into a fist striking the body into the ground.

Henry quickly nodded, and Spencer pushed him away. He rubbed his neck and hastily passed his game to her. Henry's eyes darted around the room while Spencer raised an eyebrow expectantly at him. I'm not stupid enough to get caught.

Realizing this, Henry accepted defeat and pointed at the buttons of his game, "That button is used to run and walk and the other one is to jump. Those buttons are to kick and to hit."

Spencer experimented with the buttons and watched the character follow the commands. The characters green attire and blonde hair caught her attention.

"He looks like Robin Hood, with a sword instead of a bow."

Henry shrugged, "I guess."

Spencer played in silence and quickly found herself becoming bored. This is so much better with real swords. She smirked as she remembered Henry wielding a real sword.

"You know I would have taught you if you waited. I just wanted to finish my game."

The same feeling of guilt returned from earlier and Spencer muttered under her breath not offering the boy a reply to his statement.

A flash of red and metal entered her mind and the stench of copper invaded her lungs. Hands loosen their grip and Spencer stood up straight.

"Are you okay?"

Death, Death was everywhere, and she blindly ran to escape death's grip.

Spencer shook, and her eyes bore into the boy in front of her. Look at him! Her mind screamed, just look at him!

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