Chapter 14. The Talk

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Kevin made his way back to Edd's room a few cigarettes later. He ran a hand through the long hair on top of his head and sighed heavily. He knew he smelled like the tiny cancer sticks, and his boyfriend would have to remind him of all the damage cigarettes can cause to the human body.

When the teen walked into the room he was startled to see that it was empty. Edd's mother sat alone in a corner of the room looking down at something in her purse. She hadn't noticed him walk into the room until Kevin cleared his throat. "Mrs. Vincent? Where'd Edd go?"

Christine's head snapped up before setting her book like item down. "They went to go reset his arm and do some scans. he should be back soon Kevin."

"Reset his arm? I thought everything was good?" Kevin asked as he sat down in the other chair.

Christine shook her head. "No, it was healed, but in the wrong way. So the two end pieces of the broken bone were unaligned when the arm began to repair itself. I'm very surprised he was able to move his arm at all."

"Are you gonna pay for his hospital bills then?"

Christine's eyes narrowed at Kevin's tone. "Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

"Don't ya ever wonder why his arm is messed up in the first place? This is Eddward we're talkin' about here. Everybody knows he would've rushed to the ER ranting about osteoblasts and necrosis." Kevin explained as he leaned back in his chair. He always had the habit of reading up on subjects that interested or affected his boyfriend. So of course he and Edd talked about what could happen with his arm.

"'D, this looks bad. Are you sure you're not gonna go get it checked out?" Kevin asked as the two teens sat in his bathroom surrounded by antibiotics and Ace bandages. Kevin held Edd's limp arm in one hand while he cleaned it with the other.

"I once lived with two successful doctors Kevin and I'm trying my best. But I can't afford any more debt than I already have." Edd explained as he tried to move his fingers.

"But couldn't something happen?" Kevin asked worriedly as he turned the arm over to look at the underside. He had to admit that without his make-shift splint that Edd's arm resembled something like a stair step and it as a little sickening to look at. The bones shifted dramatically in Edd's thin arm when there was nothing to hold it together.

"Of course, there're always complications with everything. My bones could become necrotic and I could loose my arm, I could get a serious infection, there's a chance my blood vessels can become constricted which will result in tissue loss, or I could have these masses of bone grow in my arm when it tries to heal itself. The list goes on Kevin."

"Are you scared? Jesus, I'd probably be crying like a bitch right now if I were you." Kevin sighed heavily and ran a hand over his face. Double D merely shrugged with a small smile and rested a reassuring hand on his cheek.

"I'll be alright Kevin, please don't worry about me."

"How could I not worry about you? You're like, everything." Kevin said, not amused by Edd's reassurance.

Edd looked at the jock blankly. "Everything? I don't understand."

"C'mere." Kevin said softly and pulled Edd in by his chin to give him a loving kiss. The arm was temporarily forgotten as Kevin traced Edd's lips with the tip of his tongue, asking for entrance. Edd opened his mouth a little for the red-head, but it wasn't enough for Kevin. He dove into Edd's mouth and his tongue explored every surface causing the other boy to weave a hand through the long locks that sat on top of Kevin's head and pull back.

The jock let out a primal growl as his head tipped backwards and Edd began to place light kisses on Kevin's jugular and then moved lower to the collar of his shirt to bite his skin where no one could see. His own private little mark to prove that Kevin was his own.

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