Chapter 37. French Talk

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Edd was released from the hospital days later after Christine had deemed him fit, but he feeling a little under the weather. Christine had said this was normal as the teen had just received his first round via Port-o-Cath and the medicine was still making its way through Edd's system.

"This is Edd we're talkin' about here. Of course he's gonna make it. The guy's cheated death at least twice now and third time's a charm after all. Edd'll be fine..." Kevin thought to himself seriously as they drove home. The two were going through their own separate battles; Kevin was going to war in Afghanistan and Edd was fighting his second round of cancer. Well, it wasn't really the second time as Edd's illness had been going on for years. "How ya feelin'?"

Edd looked over at Kevin with a little smile. "I'm glad to be out of there, but not so glad to have these hanging out of me." he said and touched one of the three tubes that were taped to his chest. Kevin tried not to cringe when Edd pulled down the collar to his loose shirt, the obvious mound in his skin where the port was made his stomach churn.

"Does it hurt?" he asked, the red-head's hands tightening on the wheel.

"No, I can barely feel it...are you okay?" Edd asked, noticing Kevin's white knuckles as his grip tightened. Kevin seemed to relax a little when Edd laid his small hand on the other's thigh.

"I'm...yeah. I'm fine." he sighed. Edd noticed his knuckles start to turn white again and sighed in return.

"Don't lie to me, Kev."

Kevin said nothing as they continued their journey home. Edd only called him "Kev" when he was either very angry or very serious. Edd took his hand away from Kevin's leg and folded them gently in his lap as if he would shatter if he moved too fast. It broke Kevin's heart.

The two were still silent as they walked into their home. Edd immediately kicked off his shoes on the mat and walked to the bathroom to refresh himself. His skin held a lingering smell of medicine from his minor procedure and he hated it. The smell made him queasy and Edd tried to push the feeling down as he splashed some cold water on his face.

When Edd finally emerged from the bathroom, he found Kevin stuffing his bag with everything he had brought home with him. "What time is your flight?"

"In an hour."

Edd's lips twisted as he tried to contain his emotions. They had wasted what little time they did have together in that damned hospital and Edd was mentally kicking himself for it. If only he could have kept it together long enough so Kevin could have actually had a relaxing weekend at home on his time off.

"I see." the raven said as he continued to watch his boyfriend pack away his things for only God knows how long. He rubbed his hands nervously as he watched from the end of the hallway. Never had he felt so far away from Kevin since that time in high school where he had caught Kevin's arm around another girl. She had never been explained as Edd had forgotten about her in the midst of their budding relationship back then.

Seeing as there was nothing left for either of them to say, Edd yanked on his hands and walked back to their bedroom to change into more comfortable clothes. He peeled off the large shirt, careful of the tubes, and walked over to the closet in search of a fresh one. The ravenette settled on a black pullover and a pair of navy sweatpants that said "Emergency Medical Technician" down one of the legs. Then he stepped over to the mirror and took a good hard look at himself. He took off his beanie and set it gently on the dresser, grabbed two handfuls of his black hair and flattened it against his head. Edd's eyebrows knotted together as he tried to picture himself without hair.

"What're you doin'?"

Edd let go of his hair and turned around to face a soldier that was dressed to the nines in his uniform. He could see his troubled eyes flicker from the shadow his hat cast across his face. "Oh, nothing. I just changed into something more comfortable." he said with a strained smile.

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