Chapter 16. Lay Me Down

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It was only Tuesday when Kevin had turned Edd into a pile of self-doubt and insecurity. The other Eds tried to ease their friend's distress but had little to work with since Double D refused to let them in on his inner turmoil. Still, they stood by him through whatever he was going through. Even Ed made extra effort to understand his dear friend even though he didn't understand most things.

At the moment he sat in the recliner in Ed's room with his two closest friends as they watched some idiotic horror movie. Well, Ed and Eddy were. Double D's thoughts kept drifting elsewhere and unwanted thoughts kept planting themselves in his mind.

Too good to be true.

What a joke.

The team captain of every sport and the sad little basket case whose mommy and daddy left him all alone?

He probably just felt bad!

How could you be so ignorant?

Edd ran a hand over his face and looked away from the TV. It was Thursday night at the moment and Edd was in emotional shambles. He loved Kevin, and he was pretty sure Kevin loved him back. Sure, they never said those three magic words out loud, but that didn't matter, did it? He wasn't actually sure at this point. Edd wasn't one to let the L-word slip so easily. His parents were absent most of his life and none of the meaningless relationships he had ever been in never made it that far. It was a rare thing for Edd to say the phrase aloud, 'I love you' has only left his lips a handful of times in the past ten years. God, he needed a break. He needed to get away from the drama, his friends who didn't understand, Kevin, everyone.

"Uh, I'm gonna call it a night. Sorry gentleman." Edd sighed as he stood up from the chair and cracked his sore back.

"S'okay Double D! We can hang out again when you're feelin' better!" Ed said, trying to sound supportive, but the twinge of sadness made Double D's heart twist. He felt like such a bad friend for lashing out like he had been lately. Edd hadn't been as patient with Ed as he should have been, and he gave Eddy that black eye. For a good reason, but nonetheless it still made Edd feel terrible at the end of the day.

Double D gave a halfhearted wave as he walked out of the door and out of the house. He didn't end up going to Eddy's like he originally planned, but completely bypassed the house entirely. As Edd passed Kevin's house, he noticed the jock was having a little get together with his friends. Edd didn't see who they were, as something clenched painfully within him and he just walked faster to escape the pain.

At the moment he was walking towards the hotel his mother was staying at until she had found a place of her own. Edd needed her car to get out of town. However, he thought that just showing up at her door unannounced would cause some awkward chat and that simply wasn't on his agenda for the night. So he flipped open his cell phone and quickly dialed his mother's number. She answered on the first ring.

"Eddward? Is everything alright?"

"Hello Mother, and yes everything is fine. I actually just called to ask for a favor."

"Go on Dear."

Edd paused for a millisecond as he thought of a lie. "I've just remembered a spot I've been wanted to take my telescope too and stargaze. I don't have a car so I haven't been able to do it yet. I just thought tonight would be good since the sky is so clear..." Edd mused as he continued to walk through the dark streets of Peach City.

"Of course Edd. That sounds like a very splendid idea. Will Kevin be joining you?"

Edd grimaced into the phone. Why would Kevin join him? They've barely spoken two words to each other in two days. "No, I was thinking some peace and quiet would do me good. Don't you think?"

"The Vincents' do love peace and quiet. I'll have the keys ready for you when you arrive. My room number is 231."

"Thank you Mother, I do appreciate it." Edd said happily and with a quick goodbye he hung up the phone.


Double D didn't really have a plan as to where he was going as he drove out of the city. However, he did find himself pulling onto a country road that had long plush grass growing on either side. Through the trees, he could hundreds of fireflies enjoying the night as he slowly passed. Eventually, he came up to a lake that was a common fishing spot. Edd parked the car along the cat tails that stuck out of the shallow water and just gazed at the sight before him.

It was a fairly large lake that was used for boating and fishing. The lake was surrounded by trees on three sides, but right in front of Edd was the best view he'd ever seen. In the distance there was a community of log cabins scattered on the side of a hill. Their windows were glowing a pale yellow that called to Edd in a comforting sort of way.

He sat on the hood of his mother's car and listened to the crickets as he stared up at the billions of stars before him. Although a strange sound started to rise above the crickets, it came from inside the car.

From Eddy: Where r u? I thot u were at my house.

From Eddy: Do I need to send out a search party?

From Eddy: I'm calling jockstrap on u.

A nervous sweat broke through Edd's once serene demeanor as he was about to meet his inevitable doom through the hands of his unknowing friend. The text messages were each sent about a half hour apart from each other, so he couldn't blame Eddy for worrying about his usually punctual friend who would normally respond to a text in a matter of seconds.

Double D took one last look at the sleepy cabins before hopping off the hood of his mother's car with phone in hand. Slowly, he turned his car around to get himself back on the road he came from. If he never got out of Peach Creek, that was the place he needed to live. A cozy little cabin on the side of a hill that overlooked a crystal blue lake. Edd could just see himself sitting on his deck with his laptop and a nice cup of coffee as the cool summer breeze ran over his skin. It was a dream that needed to become a reality.


In an act of motherly concern, Christine decided to let Edd keep her car for the night as she would call a cab in the morning. Edd was grateful for this as it meant that he didn't have to wonder the dark streets of Peach City in fear of muggers or rapists.

It took about an hour and a half for Double D to pull into the cul-de-sac at nearly two in the morning. Slowly, he pulled into Eddy's driveway and shut off the car. Almost immediately, he was met with three of the craziest faces he had ever seen. Eddy, Ed, and Kevin. Double D so surprised by the three boys that he almost scrambled back into his temporary car and spend off to escape for another night.


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