Chapter 21. The Plan

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"Fuck yes."

Kevin let his body melt into the mattress as Edd worked his magic on him. Every love bite Edd had laid on him pulsed in time with the feverish kisses the said boy was laying onto his hips. Their fingers were still laced as a sense of reassurance to Kevin that everything was going to be alright, even if just for the moment. The rest will come later.

Edd's other hand was massaging a sensitive point near Kevin's hip bone that had the red head clamping a hand over his mouth to muffle his loud moans. God forbid some angry neighbor came pounding on their door and embarrass the crap out of them.

The ravenette undid the button to the jeans that were already hanging dangerously low on Kevin's hips. Fingertips dipped under the fabric of Kevin's boxers as both they and the jeans were being pulled down at a painstakingly slow pace. "Edd..." the red-head whined anxiously, only to be shushed with a nip to the skin. Edd was very close to his target at this point and it was turning Kevin into a squirming pile of goo.

Finally, Kevin's boxers and jeans were reduced to a pile on the floor and Edd eyed the beast before him. To say Kevin was impressive would be an enormous understatement. The man was blessed. For a moment Edd doubted his gag reflex but put it aside as his darkened eyes flicked up to his love and saw him on the absolute edge. "Have you ever been involved like this before, Mr. Barr?" Edd asked in a gravely voice.

Kevin moved his hand away from his mouth to respond to the very confusing question. "Y-yes? Only ever with girls though..."

Double D smirked at his boyfriend's words. "How many?"

Kevin paused before cracking an eye open. "Edd, I-"

Edd's hands tightened on Kevin's hips, causing the boy to shudder in pleasure. "Answer the question Pumpkin."

Kevin gulped as he feared Edd's reaction to his answer. He was one of the most popular guys in school and girls were constantly trying to get a piece of perfect ass that was Kevin Barr. Only a few times did he give into the advances and bring one of the lucky ladies home with him after some random party. Even if it was to chase away the constant feelings of loneliness brought unto him by his parents. "F-four."

Edd was silent for a moment as he rolled the number around in his head. "Very well then. Allow me to reset the bar." Edd said with a sort of finality that made Kevin shiver. Then, he felt the tip of Edd's tongue trace the very tip of him which sent one of Kevin's hands into Edd's hair and the other one fisted into his own.

A dark chuckle was heard from Edd at his boyfriend's reactions and then took him in wholly. Kevin forgot to cover his mouth back up as his hands were grasping for something steady to hold onto and let out a mighty growl. "God...!" the jock drawled out loudly as Edd continued to take him on. First at a slow pace; both Edd's teeth and tongue were doing things to his body that none of those other girls could ever do. He was certain in his muddled mind that it was the love they both harbored for one another that really put the cherry on top. "Oh, Edd..."

Edd merely 'hmm-ed' as he continued his same agonizingly slow pace. He was such a tease! Everything he did, Edd made sure he did it slow enough so that he could gauge every little reaction out of the jock.

He noticed how when he kissed Kevin's belly how the corners of his mouth would pull up into the tiniest smile, or how Kevin constantly held his hand over his mouth so silence himself because he was loud. Very, very loud. Edd would be relieved after both Mother and himself agreed on a nice house for the two lovers to live in. That would be the place where he could let loose and scream to the heavens to beg for mercy.

Edd then picked up the pace to send his boyfriend over the edge. He loved the way his name sounded through Kevin's muffled moans of ecstasy. Every time Kevin hit the back of Edd's throat he would try not to buck his hips, but it became increasingly harder as he neared his end. "E-Edd, I'm gonna-"

Kevin never finished his sentence as Edd dragged his nails down from the small of his back to his ass, surely leaving long red welts in their wake. Edd rode out Kevin's orgasm dutifully and put his gag reflex to the test as he swallowed his seed. The red-head went from a twitching, gasping mess to a true pile of goop in a matter of seconds.

Double D slowly pulled his mouth off of Kevin and wiped his mouth. The jock raised a lazy finger in the air and panted. "The bar...has been raised."


After a much needed shower and a thorough teeth brushing, the two teens lay in each other's arms watching TV. Edd's head was resting on Kevin's strong chest with a finger tracing tiny circles into the muscle. The ravenette's mind wondered to the sleepy little cabins on the hill that overlooked that one lake and his finger came to a stop. That was where he wanted to go, but it was a good hour away and neither of them had a real car. Sure, Kevin had his motorcycle, but they'd be fresh out of luck by the time winter rolled around. Edd began to think that a small apartment would be better for the two of them.

"What's on your mind 'D?" Kevin asked as he placed a loving kiss on the smaller teen's head.

Edd shrugged. "Nothing, I'm just thinking."

"About what?"

Edd briefly thought about giving in and telling Kevin, but ultimately decided to keep it a secret until whatever place he chose was locked down and ready to move in to. He wanted to completely blow his boyfriend away when the time comes. "Food, I'm rather hungry after what we did earlier."

Kevin snorted and threw an arm behind his head. "I thought you ate enough earlier."

Without missing a beat, Edd retorted. "I have a very large appetite Pumpkin. I always come back for seconds." he said and climbed out of bed to retrieve his pajamas and Kevin's mouth went dry for the tenth time that day.

"You're awfully cocky today." Kevin said as he watched Edd gather his items and step into the bathroom to change.

"I could say the same about you!" Edd snickered and a shirt was tossed out of the room and into a hamper.

"That's besides the point, and c'mon! You should be able to change around me. After all you've seen me naked, it's time to return the favor."

Edd giggled and stepped out of the room wearing only a pair of black sweatpants that hand very low on his slim hips. "You've only just gotten out of the hospital Dear, give yourself time to heal." he said, mocking him from earlier. Kevin jumped up from the bed and dipped Edd in a passionate kiss.

"I'll be counting down the days." the red-head said sweetly into the crook of Edd's neck.

"Until what?" Edd giggled.

"'Till I can finally show you how much I love you."

Double D nodded and placed a kiss on Kevin's jaw as he thought of that cabin that he wanted to badly. "I too, have a similar plan."

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