Chapter 39. I'm Here

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Two more months flew by and both of the boys were struggling to keep their brave faces on. While Kevin had Naomi and his other friends to talk to when he was down, Edd was trying to keep it together by himself. It was true that Eddy and Christine would be at his house in fifteen seconds flat if he needed anything but Edd's stubborn nature prevented him from asking for help. He was doing just fine at the moment plus no one needed to see how horrible he was looking these days. Chemo had really done a number on him in just four months.

Edd had received an e-mail from Kevin last night and to put it lightly, Edd was elated. Apparently a USO tent had been established in the area so the soldiers could finally make contact with their loved ones. The e-mail wasn't very long, but Kevin's words were clear.


How are you? Please tell me you're doing okay. miss you a lot. I told some of the guys about you and they all want to meet you sometime, I said maybe.

It's fucking hot over here all the time. If it weren't for my gear I'd probably be as red as my hair. Did I mention that I love you? Like, a lot? Because fuck. Jackson and Naomi call me a lovesick puppy cause I get so mopey sometimes.

Anyways, I'm gonna manage one e-mail a day. Tell me how you are when you get back to me, I don't know what time it is at home. No pussy-footing around either, I want to know what's going on. I miss you.

Your soldier husband,


Edd started to cry as he read and reread the words over again. Kevin felt so close but yet so far away at the same time. His pounding headache began to ebb away slowly as he immediately set his twitching fingers over the black keys to reply.


Kevin and Naomi were on patrol again together that morning. The two had become close friends as the months rolled by as they were each other's main support. She talked about her brothers back home and how she missed them dearly while Kevin sometimes talked about Edd. Eventually he realized that not talking about his love back home helped keep his worried feelings at bay and Naomi understood this. She never pressed Kevin to talk and he was grateful for that.

The two walked along a row of shabby houses and listened to some of the kids as they played with a ball in the street, it had been a calm day so far.

"Micheal is seven now, he was really into trains last time I heard. I bought him a remote controlled track set for his birthday last year and he literally jumped me." Naomi giggled as she picked off a spot of dirt from her gun. "You got any brothers or sisters?"

"Nah, I'm an only child but I had friends who were like siblings. Nazz was like my sister, still is. I practically lived at her house for the longest time."

"That's nice." she mused. "What about your parents? My dad worked for the post office. He always came home with such funny stories to tell."

Kevin tried not to let the deep frown appear on his face. "Uh, I wasn't close to my dad. Edd's ma made me part of the family after she came back to town."

Naomi wanted to ask Kevin about his mother, but decided against it as she took in the troubled look on his face. "Tell me about her. What's she like?"

Kevin rolled his eyes and looked down at the woman beside him. "Why?" he asked, earning a jab in the side with her elbow.

"Because why not? Would you rather talk about war? I don't." Naomi quipped and stuck her perfectly curved nose up in the air. Kevin would be lying if he said she didn't remind him of Edd sometimes.

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