9. slow beating hearts

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It was around this time of year where my family would sit in my father's office and go through our grades, but my mother had a business meeting today so it was just the boys and I.

I sat between Robin and Red, who were sitting straight with a serious expression. I noticed how Red's foot tapped the ground to the seconds of the clock, and how Robin was picking his nails as he stared at the man behind the desk.

Albert McKinin placed his glasses on the tip of his nose and pulled out our files, "How are we all today?"

"Good." Robin and Colin said together, giving each other a look, both knowing Dad didn't like when they talked at the same time.

"Great." Red delivered with a smile, trying to cover up the twins' mistake.

"Hysterical." I said flatly, my father looked at me with a cold gaze as he recognized my sarcasm.

"Now, Red, I've talked to your professors and they believe you are an amazing and intelligent student. Though, while we're here and I have taken time out of my schedule, I would like to discuss this 'girlfriend' of yours."

I glanced down at Red's shoe, which immediately stopped tapping.

"What about her?" His voice was low and deadly. It was the first time in a long time I've seen Red this mad.

"Well, it's just... We're a family of higher grounds and people," he paused and gave his son a formal look, "We can't have people of lower standards coming into our home; it just doesn't look good on our image."

"It's because she's black, isn't it?" He spat, standing up as his chair slid across the wooden floor.

"SIT DOWN!" My father's voice boomed across the room and I watched Red slowly sit, "I will NOT have my sons stooping to that level of society. You will get rid of her and she will never enter this household. Do I make myself clear?"

Red was shaking his head, ever so slightly, as he shot daggers at my father, knowing all too well there was nothing he could do while he lived under Albert's roof.

Albert turned to Robin and Colin, flicking open their files and reading over their grades and comments. The room was silent, beside the heavy breathing of Red who sat arms crossed, one finger tapping his arm.

"Well boys, it seems as though you passed," the man with flecks of grey in his hair kept reading.
"Actually, Dad, I got five out of seven A's."

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