10. a dying love for food

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"Now, boys, I want you to be back for dinner. Remember, Friday night is family night!" My mother's voice chimed as she fussed about Red's jacket that had a stain on it.

It was surprising seeing her so focussed on us, especially on how we looked or felt. What was more surprising was that she had time to cook us breakfast, brushing off the maids in the process. Sure the toast was burnt and the bacon was rock hard, it was still kind of nice, nice to have her around, nice to see her.

"How could we forget? It's been ongoing for two years." Colin laughed, grabbing an apple from a silver tray that a maid was offering all of us.

My mother smiled grabbing Robin's coat and helping him put it on, "Also Robin, make sure your twin doesn't spend a hundred dollar on those gambling games only to bring home another giant stuffed bear."

"You know he does it so he can get a free Valentine's gift?" Red grinned at Colin who gave him the finger.

"Red—" I watched Red pick up his car keys as my mother walked over to him, "Please drive safely."

My mother rushed to the front door and Red bent down and kissed her cheek, "I will, mom."
Robin kissed her cheek as well and told her not to work too hard. Colin followed, kissing her cheek before letting her fuss over his messy blonde hair.

I put my beanie on and walked towards the door, feeling extremely awkward. The last time I had hugged mum was when the family was given screen time and they wanted to see our fake family relationship- that was at least six months ago.

I glanced at her eyes as I walked past and felt her cold hand grab my own gently. I turned to face her and watched as she grabbed both my hands.

"You have a good time sweetie... Don't get hurt." Her was voice was kind but her eyes shone with worry. "Stay with your brothers."

I nodded, stance frozen due to the comfortableness and the fact I had no idea how to react. She reached up and tucked a piece of my black hair into the beanie, pulling down the sides over my ears.

"Don't want you getting a cold." She whispered, trying to fix my jacket, which was interrupted by the horn of the car, "Oh, well..."

She placed both of her hands on either side of my face, her wedding ring cold against my cheek. Fiona's eyes were staring deep into mine and I felt myself leaning towards her so she could reach my forehead.

She kissed my forehead gently and whispered, "I love you Soren, please, please be safe."

I knew she meant not to get into fights and as I opened my eyes, which I hadn't realised were close, wet tears met my gaze. Her eyes were red as tears streamed down her face.

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