So far...

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(CONTEXT:) Hey guys! I'm back! I know, I haven't updated in ages. literally. But anyways, this chapter is just a catch up on my spiritual walk and pivotal moments I've had with God these past few months! Anyways, to start from May 2016, I had just joined the Singapore Polytechnic Care cell ( basically small groups in other words). It was my first time functioning as a Spiritual Parent (SP) in the cell group, planning, organizing, catching up with members, all those sorta stuff. But then, we multiplied cell as soon as I entered because we had a large batch of year ones coming in. When we multiplied, I was appointed as the Associate leader. This is honestly a big jump for me. I was an SP since long ago and never functioned as one. only this year I started. and this year, I was put as the AL of the cell. Soon enough, I entered the serving team in worship ministry. I had only spent one year in the non serving team, and honestly, had been absent for many practices. And the course I had entered in Poly, I could say is one of the toughest. Architecture. Yes, Projects on top of projects and assignments. You could expect extra late nights and sometimes even sleepless nights rushing out work. Submission after submissions... okay I should stop there. I'm sure you've gotten a good enough picture of how tough Archi is. Later in the year, I was nominated to run for elections for the Society of Diploma in Architecture (SoDA), which I won in the end, adding on to another commitment. With these many commitments, I found it hard to do everything in excellence, especially for my first semester. (I am currently in my second semester, third term coming to an end soon.) But I still managed to survive, and surprisingly, that has been the most proactive moment of my faith. (HERE'S WHERE THE JUICY STUFF BEGINS) God at this point of time had spoken to me the most, revealing to me many  things, visions, revelations and ministry. Being the new AL of the cell, I needed to work with the Leader to come up with the planning of the cell, direction and many other stuff. We both shared the same heart that was to do everything with the heart. we both are considerably deep people and like to have 'soul' to what we do. SO in the initial stage of the cell, we prayed, pressed in and fasted. Over the lifespan of this cell that I have been AL of, My leader and me had many Dejavu moments. Both of us do our Time Alone With God (TAWG, or some others would call it Quiet Time) individually. Several times, either me or him got the burden to share what we received during TAWG with each other, and on MANY occasions, we had received the same thing, not even knowing. The weekend of that dejavu, the Pastor would always say something that affirmed what we had received. There was also one time where the message I planned and shared with the cell already was almost similar to that of the pastor's. Now, I'm not trying to say that I'm as good as the pastors. In fact, the point I'm trying to drive across is that we are all in the same spirit. If we pray in the same spirit, we will receive what the spirit as for us. My cell leader and I only knew each other since May, so it had nothing to do with how well we knew each other. After all, we are praying to the same God. Yes, we do have revelations from God which are personal, but when we are praying for the same ministry, the things we receive, are usually aligned to each other. Remember that when we pray as a ministry, we spark something in it. Prayer should never be limited to the leaders of the ministry. Some may think that the leaders are more mature in the spirit and in the word of God, and yes, it is necessary for leaders to be like that to lead the people in the ministry. But there is no division in the ministry. There should never be a line drawn between the leadership and the members. We need to come to a understanding that there should never be division in a ministry. Those in my cell would have heard this a million times already, but it was a message from Pastor Edmund at IDMC conference 2016 that really impacted me. "There is a difference, but there is no division." There is a difference in roles, specialties and experiences, but there should never be division, because we all are of the same spirit. Like the analogy of a body, each and every part of the body has completely different functions, but they cannot call themselves one of their own. If an eye were to say "I have nothing to do with this body." There will not be sight. If a leg were to say "I am no part of this body." the body then cannot walk. Likewise, every other part of the body. Though different people in a ministry may have different roles, ultimately, we are moving in the same spirit, in the same body for the same goal. A body can never be divided. Sometimes, we may also feel as though we may not be functioning the way we should. But there is no fixed way in which we should be functioning. Tell me, has anyone looked, talked, walked and thought exactly like someone else? Every body is different. Likewise, every ministry functions in its own ways. We should never compare ourselves to others, or ever think of 'matching up' to the previous leader if the cell. I'll end this session here, because if I continue, this chapter can be another book on its own. But to continue with my life, that cell where I was the AL has multiplied yet again, another work and miracle of God's faithfulness . And now, I am the leader of a cell. Imagine all this in one year! God has really taught me a lot of things, be it from mentors, leaders above me, God himself and even members! So Long, Farewell~ Future updates coming your way!

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