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When we know who GOD is, surrendering to him in trials is a natural response.

Matt 1:18-25


1. Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph

2. Marriage culture in those times hard three stages

-signing the contract

-sexual consummation

-the wedding feast

How did Joseph show his heart for God?

1. Joseph was faithful to the law

     - Matt 1:19

     - He was described as a righteous man

     - His faithfulness was not out of day, but out of revelation of God's heart for him through the law

     - In keeping God's law, Joseph was faithful to God

2. Joseph dealt with  Mary with justice and mercy

     - Matthew 1:19

     - Joseph could have Brought her before elders and she would be punished by death

     - Joseph chose to divorce her quietly even at  cost to himself

     - In doing that, He was enacting  the very nature of God (mercy)

3. Joseph was obedient to God's call

     - Matthew 1:20

     - Joseph was reminded of the prophecy of a messiah that would come through the descendants of David (Isaiah 7:14

     - He knew that obeying God's call would not be easy.

          = Deal with shame and public persecution

          = The task of fathering the Messiah would be daunting for the best parent

     - Joseph obeyed, because He knows the GOD who calls is a GOD who is faithful to the end.

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